Temperatures in and around Bangkok may fall to as low as 14oC in the next few days, due to an intensifying cold front from China covering northern Thailand, according to the latest weather forecast from the Meteorological Department.
The cold front will bring temperatures in the northern and north-eastern regions of Thailand down by 6-8oC to between 8and 18oC in the low lands and to between 2-10oC in mountainous areas.
For the eastern and central regions, including Bangkok and its neighbouring provinces, temperatures are expected to fall by 4-6oC to between 14 and 21oC.
People in these cold areas are advised to protect their health and those living on the edges of forests to brace for possible forest fires due to strong winds and dry weather.
The southernmost region will continue to face heavy to very heavy rain, due to the strong north-easterly monsoon covering the Gulf of Thailand. This may cause flash floods at the basesof mountains and river overflows.
Rough seas and strong winds in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea should be expected, with 2-4 metre waves and over 4 metres in stormy areas, as the Meteorological Department warned people living along the coasts of the risk of a storm surge. Sailors are advised to exercise extreme caution and small boats should remain ashore until Tuesday.
Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service