Department of Disease Control prepares migrant worker disease control plan

Rama Garden School, 31 May-Department of Disease Control Prepare an action plan for international cooperation in disease control and health threats. Hope to cover the care of migrant workers coming to work in Thailand. Ready to accept if the new government raises wages, there must be a tight plan to accommodate the number of workers joining the relevant agencies.

Dr. Tares Krassanairawiwong Director General Department of Disease Control Opening meeting to convey the international cooperation action plan Prevention and control of diseases and health threats, Phase 2 (B.E. 2023 - 2027) into action and awarded to 26 international disease prevention and control mission support agencies. This cooperation action plan will be a strategic framework to develop Thailand's capabilities in international cooperation. Disease prevention and control and focus on developing 4 areas, namely 1) raising the level of international leadership and drive policies, regulations, frameworks, conventions and international agreements Developing innovation and technology management systems for international cooperation related to disease and health threat prevention and control; and 4) enhancing the potential of organizations, personnel and networks in international cooperation. In the case of the future That the new government will increase the minimum wage may result in a large number of migrant workers coming to work in Thailand, it is believed that such a plan will help in the allocation and coverage of disease control. If so, there must be a more concise contingency plan. and in cooperation with relevant agencies from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labor

As for the situation of infection with COVID-19, Dr. Tares said that the number of infected people has increased, partly because the rainy season has entered again during the opening of the semester. Most of the infected people are working people, but What is worrisome is the group of elderly people who find that they still haven't received the booster vaccination. Therefore, they would like to invite those who have received the booster vaccination to receive the vaccine to build immunity in order to reduce severe illness and loss. life Due to information of deaths from COVID-19 At present, it is found that it is an elderly group with chronic diseases and if the vaccination has been boosted for a long time.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency
