‘President Moo’ asks the government to inspect illegal pigs remaining in symptom-free zones.

Bangkok, The President of the National Pig Growers Association asked the DSI to expand the inspection of free zones in order to strictly prosecute the "wild pig" movement and asked all relevant agencies to re-inspect. Both containers are left in every port. Especially Khlong Toei Pier Including cold storage throughout the country to ensure that there are no "illegal pigs" that will be a factor in depressing the price of farmers who are still at a loss for more than a year. Mr. Sitthiphan Thanakiatpinyo The president of the National Pig Growers Association said has followed up on the work of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) in conducting a repeat search at Laem Chabang Port on June 4, 2024, expanding on the results of the seizure of 161 containers of feral pigs at the end of 2023, which found 'pig Contraband' those 17 containers The National Pig Growers Association wants the DSI to expand its inspection of Customs free zones because it is still concerned that Feral pigs may be drained out. The N ational Pig Growers Association has written to the DSI stating 6 concerns, including: Volume of buying and selling pig products in free zones From December 23, 2020 to January 31, 2024, a total of 3,469 containers of animal carcasses, pigs, cattle entrails, and chicken feet have been imported into Thailand (recently, the DSI has stated that the total has increased to 5,900 containers), which is a characteristic Same as special case number 126/2023, where 2,388 containers were imported during 2021-2023 from 2,385 import declarations. which is an offense that occurred retrospectively Which must be extended in the same way as it is a different offense and has a very high number of offenses. Number of re-buyers in Thailand from offenders in the said duty free zone, from approximately 100 cases of the group of companies in the said duty free zone. There hasn't been any expansion yet. The investigative officer collected such evidence on the day the warrant was brought in to inspect and evaluate the trading volume of the past 3 years, amounting to 10,000 million baht. One of the customers has accumulated trading volume as high as 6,000 million baht. Customers in this group considered is a supporter of wrongdoing as well that can be prosecuted and seizing assets according to money laundering laws Because it caused great damage to the Thai pig industry. Illegal distribution of goods in such duty zones It is done in the form of exporting goods to a 3rd country but using the transport back into the country. in the form of an army of ants Distributed to various cold storages throughout the country. Therefore, the results should be expanded by bringing in a list of cold storages in the network to check whether they are aware of their involvement in the offense or not. Which should not be difficult to follow. After the cold storage is registered This is the policy of the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. By the Department of Livestock Development According to the project for registration of cold storage operators fro m 1 container or more. According to the policy to suppress illegal agricultural products, the time frame has expired since December 12, 2023. There has not yet been a retrospective examination of the application for permission to operate as a duty free zone. which is the approval power of the Director-General of the Customs Department and investigates the inspection process. After being approved as an entrepreneur in a duty free zone, which is considered an offense. according to the purpose of requesting such permission in bringing a warrant to inspect the offender company in the said free zone There is no evidence of a very high number of confiscated goods in the duty free zone. It is expected that the products in the said duty free zone There will still be releases into the market and this will put pressure on the price of fattening pigs. which is the continuous occupation of Thai pig farmers From a news report about the financial investigation of a female executive of a company in a free zone group. The re is a connection to a quarantine officer. (of the Department of Livestock Development) would like to know the progress of the investigation of this civil servant. In order not to discredit the Department of Livestock Development as a whole. Because of the five cases of government officials committing crimes sent to the NACC (Special Case No. 59/2023, No. 101/2023, No. 104/2566 No. 105/2566 and Special Case No. 106/2023) there is still no evidence. progress Giving opinions or sending a special prosecutor to a special case The commission of wrongdoing by government officials will be a constant risk. from facilitating the commission of offenses that will affect the Thai pig market Mr. Sitthiphan said Want the relevant government agencies to double-check the "wild pigs" still remaining in the country. both in cold storage and various ports especially Bangkok Port Or Klong Toei Port which still has a number of containers remaining. Including wanting to upgrade the inspection of imported containers like at Laem Chabang Port. Pig farmers have continued to suffer losses for more than a year due to "wild pigs" pushing down prices, coupled with high production costs from both the factors of higher energy prices and higher prices of animal feed ingredients. Especially corn for animal feed has moved up to 11.20 baht per kilogram, which will cause the cost of animal feed for raising pigs to increase further. Meanwhile, the price of live pigs at the farm remains stable at 68 - 76 baht per kilogram. This is lower than the production cost which is 80-82 baht per kilogram. Even though there is little production in the market But the price of live pigs at the farm did not increase due to rainy conditions throughout Thailand affecting consumer spending. including economic conditions that cause consumption to slow down As a result, the retail price of pork, hips and shoulder parts is close to the retail price of chicken meat. Ask the government to expedite prosecution of all those who violate the law because illegal pigs are a factor in causing a surplus of pigs that depresses market prices. Thai farmers cannot compete, so it is necessary to suppress them completely. To improve the food safety of Thai people and support farmers to continue their careers. Source: Thai News Agency