The industrial sector believes it can form a government with 310 votes, worried about wage increases.

FTI believes 310 votes to form a government. Worries if delayed vote for prime minister affects budget disbursement. 67-68 admits to fear policy of raising minimum wages affecting costs. point should be based on labor skills

Mr. Montree Mahapruekphong, Vice President of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), spoke about the establishment of the new government that It is believed that the Progressive Party can lead the establishment of a coalition government with 310 votes. Still have to wait and see again for clarity. what is worrying If during the months of August-Sept. will create a vacuum And will affect the disbursement of the budget for the year 2024 and may affect the consideration of the approval of the budget for the year 2025, at which time the budget must be approved in the beginning of the year 2024.

“The FTI wants the government to be established as soon as possible according to the timeline. Because there are still many problems that need to be solved, both in 2024 and 2025, don't fight. Regardless of who is in the government, the FTI is politically neutral. also ready to work Because I want to see the nation move forward in the future, ”said Mr. Montri.

The FTI's vice chairman continued that there were concerns about the far-reaching party's campaign policies. and Pheu Thai Party On raising the minimum wage that the wage increase mechanism must be approved by the tripartite committee meeting According to the labor law, they are employees, employers and the government, therefore wanting that the new government the whole party has advanced The Pheu Thai Party sat down to discuss how to raise wages that would go hand in hand with taking care of people's living expenses at the same time. When the wage increase is announced of various consumer products will parade to increase the price and wait

The FTI agrees with the wage increase. but should be considered to adjust according to the skills and expertise of the workers And must consider that if wages increase How much of the real benefit will fall on the real country? Because it must be understood that at present half of the workers in Thailand are foreign workers. And also have to take into account the competitiveness of the industry as well

Mr. Wiwat Hemmondharop, vice chairman of the FTI, sees 310 votes in forming a government. It is an appropriate mechanism in democratic principles. Because there will be about 200 opposition votes in the balance. But the conditions for choosing the Prime Minister If looking on the positive side, I believe that senators will agree because the election results are consensus. both in constituency elections and roster and can see that Since the announcement of the dissolution of parliament until the election was announced It can be seen that the confidence in the industry continues to improve. Shows the expectations of this election.

While the wage increase policy must look at the social sector, which is the mouth of the people, together with the economic sector. is the ability to compete. However, the FTI does not reject populist policies. But let's be populist so that it won't cause conflict. Between the economic sector, social sector and the public sector, it must truly enhance the competitiveness of the country.

Source: Thai News Agency
