1 in 4 Thai children have developmental delays affecting the brain, risk of depression

BANGKOK, 25 Aug- One in four Thai children have developmental delays, affecting the brain, risk of repeated depression, weight/height not meeting the criteria. "Balance Triangle: Run, Play, Eat Well, Get Enough Sleep" to create good health for youth, expanding the results to 43 schools under the BMA, Ministry of Interior.

On August 25, 2023 at Assumption School, Bangkok Primary Section, Mrs. Benjamaporn Limpitthian, Senior Assistant Manager The Office of the Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) said that according to data on early childhood development in Thailand in 2022 by the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, it was found that 25% or 1 in 4 Thai children have disproportionate development. affects the brain Skinny body - overweight and mentality. The epidemic of COVID-19 Also resulted in a decrease in children having sufficient physical activity from 24.4% in 2019 to 17.7% in 2022 or equivalent to 3 in 4 Thai children having insufficient physical activity. Accelerate the process of promoting child and youth health develop innovation The Balanced Triangle: a guide for caring for children 6-12 years old, both at home and at school. There are three key elements: 1. Sleep 2. Eating 3. Play or proper physical activity These 3 are important for the growth, development and physical and mental health of children.

“The Balanced Triangle” campaign has been used to expand the results. through organizing classroom activities to create children's balance in 4 regions and expanding the results in 43 schools across the country with 282 parents and teachers participating in the activity. parents classroom Traveling caravans with the National Science Museum Organization (NSM), including programs to help record the development of children. Through the Persona Health application, follow learning materials and more information at https://resourcecenter.thaihealth.or.th Facebook fan page Wellbeing Learning Center (SorSor.) Line@alliance network and www.childimpact.co, ”said Ms. Benjamaporn.

Dr. Sanga Damapong, Advisor to the Department of Health Ministry of Public Health And an expert on ThaiHealth said that Thai children aged 6-14 years are overweight and obese up to 15.5%, while being thin 5.5% and short 3.2%. 72% did not eat enough fruits and vegetables, 50% ate crispy snacks more than 3 times a week, and 71.3% drank sugary drinks. and not creating an environment conducive to accessing healthy food. The innovative “balanced triangle” creates a system and mechanism to link school, home and community, helping children access healthy food.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Piyawat Ketwongsa, Director of Thailand Physical Activity Knowledge Development Center (TPAC), supported by ThaiHealth, said that the dimension of play According to behavioral monitoring, it was found that Thai children and youth are facing a lack of adequate physical activity. But instead, there is an increase in screen use and sedentary behavior. Especially during the COVID-19 epidemic. until now The percentage of Thai children and youth with physical activity, running, playing, exercising enough movement in 2022 is reduced to only 16%, less than in 2021 at 24% and similar to during the COVID-19 epidemic. in 2020, at 17%, while the percentage of children and youth who use electronic screens for entertainment purposes no more than 2 hours a day has decreased from 26% to 15% only, reflecting that the way of life Juveniles are asymmetrical. and need close support from family, school and community

Dr. Jesada Anil, Assistant Dean for Corporate Communications Faculty of Engineering Mahidol University said that children who sleep less than 9 hours a day. The brain develops significantly differently. This was especially true in brain regions involved in memory, cognitive function, and mental health, compared with children of the same age who slept nine or more hours per day. Sleep deprivation in children was also associated with an increased risk of depression. anxiety and impulsive behavior Children's development requires eating well, being useful, playing properly for at least 60 minutes a day, and getting enough sleep is the key to good development. build a balanced child .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency