20. NDP to press on to set up an examination committee. MP to break the party’s consensus.

Government House, Aug. 23-"Demonstration" pointed out that 16 MPs voted against the party's resolutions, breaking tradition, causing disgrace, and splitting, revealing that 20 MPs had filed for the party's leader to set up an examination committee.

Mr. Satit Pitutecha, Deputy Minister of Public Health as Deputy Leader of the Democrat Party Mentioned the case of 16 MPs from the party who voted for the prime minister against the party's resolution that had to see if it caused the party to deteriorate or not follow the party's code of conduct. Causing a split, it is the right of 20 members to name a member of the investigation committee whether the conduct is detrimental to the party or not and how. which now has many members who are MPs who behave like this Must make a letter to the party leader to set up a committee of inquiry.

“It is clear that the Democrat Party does not form a negotiating committee to join the government. Joining the government requires an invitation or an official invitation letter from the party that leads the government. There are steps in the process, so if someone who is an acting or MP who is not a direct position and is not assigned by the party's executive committee If going to perform things that are beyond his authority or practice that causes the disgrace of the party According to the system, the Democrat Party has to be accepted as the opposition and 11 parties have already announced the establishment of a government. These things must be managed within the party, ”Said Satit said.

When asked who would be the manager because most of the people who voted in favor of the Pheu Thai Party were all party executive committee members, Mr. Satit said that must comply with the written party regulations who have the right to do anything, such as party members who see that the behavior of members Some went to meet former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in Singapore. At first, he confirmed that he had not met. but returned to interviews on television, admitting to going, which caused damage to the party. This kind of behavior is considered unethical and has a detrimental effect on the party.

“Even though voting is exclusive to MPs, it's true. But the resolution of the party meeting is important, probably not wrong in terms of ethics. MPs But it was wrong in terms of causing the party to be discredited. which is the right according to the regulations written in the political party law Now there are more than 20 members preparing to submit a request to investigate the matter. Because he saw that this kind of behavior brought along the inexperienced new pass. It's a problem, it's the right of the party members who think it's not right,” Mr Satit said.

When asked whether the 16 votes for the Pheu Thai Party to join the government would claim to be from the Democrat Party or not, Satit said that it had to go through the process that 16 votes had to come through a meeting of MPs before joining. or not But yesterday (Aug. 22) was a vote for the Prime Minister. It is considered a privilege, and the resolutions of the MPs discussed are the resolutions of the MPs, everything has its own steps because it has been practiced many times and everyone understands the regulations well.

“When talking in a meeting of the MPs, it is the resolution of the MPs, they should follow the resolution, but when asked if they are wrong or not. There is a constitution that is bigger than the law of the protection party. But at the same time, when talking and agreeing, it was considered that it caused a split among the members, causing damage to the party because the Democrat Party did not go to form a government.

When asked whether an act of this nature had to be expelled from the party or not, Mr. Satit said it was in line with the heavy punishment. But my personal opinion is that it is very heavily dependent on the party's regulations on how the party executive committee and MPs will consider it.

When asked to reiterate that 25 MPs but 16 people are considered the majority of the number of MPs with Mr. Satit admitting that this is an advantage of the situation. because our party had a lot of MPs in the past but when getting fewer MPs Regulations may not be up to date. Linked to the proposed amendment to the Party's Articles of Association 70-30 because small parties give the MPs more weight in decision-making than the quorum. However, most party executives should understand the damage that happened yesterday.

As for the 16 MPs, it seems that they deliberately want the party to be expelled. Satit said it was another matter, in fact, everything could be discussed. But if you deal damage to this level The party leader must make a letter to appoint a committee to inspect.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency