A gang of 14-year-olds was arrested for inventing guns and shooting enemies, and a female student was killed.

Nakhon Phanom, Arrested! A gang of three teenagers, the youngest just 14 years old, made their own guns. Shoot enemies at a merit making boat race event Female student caught in the crossfire The bullet pierced the brain and killed him. His mother and sister cried and forgave him, but asked for the law to punish the perpetrators to the fullest extent possible.

Pol. Col. Natthapon Phayommai, Deputy Commander of the Provincial Police, Nakhon Phanom Province Bringing a statement to arrest a gang of youths disturbing the city. After using a gun to shoot an enemy In the boat racing tradition Last night, October 26th The incident occurred in the Pak Un community area. Si Songkhram Subdistrict Municipality, Si Songkhram District, Nakhon Phanom Province, causing the death of "Nong Preaw", 23 years old, a young female student with a Vocational Certificate at a vocational college. Hit in the head by a stray bullet. While riding back home on a friend's motorcycle before dying at Nakhon Phanom Hospital

After the incident, Srisongkram Police Station went to the area to collect evidence. and found clues from CCTV footage from the front camera of a good citizen's car including investigating witnesses at the scene Until the Nakhon Phanom Provincial Court was proposed to issue an arrest warrant. They were able to track down and arrest three perpetrators, ages 14, 15, and 17, who are known among teenagers as The "jigging gang" is ready to inspect and seize the firearms used in the crime. It is an artificial Thai firearm. It looks like a short cap gun. It was filled with gunpowder and lead balls which he had made himself.

Initially, all three suspects confessed to the crime. Do it with enthusiasm Wang shoots enemies who are arguing with each other. But he missed and hit the deceased. Initially, the police filed serious charges. Intentional murder, possession of firearms and ammunition without permission, manufacture of firearms, carrying of firearms, and discharging a firearm in a public place. Send investigators to prosecute according to law. which the police confirmed despite being a youth but will prosecute until the end In order not to be annoyed Along with strict measures to crack down and wipe out youth groups causing chaos in the city. It must not happen again.

The elder sister of the deceased revealed that "Nong Preaw" was the fourth child among five siblings and was usually the one taking care of her mother. As for his father, he died several decades ago. Family life is difficult. Being poor, everyone has to struggle to go to work in other provinces. I want to study. have a good education Therefore, I have always tried to find a way to send myself to study. I didn't think that I would encounter this kind of loss. Even though I don't know the perpetrator. But got caught in the crossfire I'm saddened by the loss of a younger sister who still had a future. But I can't ask for my life back. Therefore, we can only forgive the perpetrator. To make merit with my sister As for those who commit crimes, we ask that they be punished according to the law to the fullest extent.

Source: Thai News Agency