A gang of rough youths fought and threw grenades in the middle of the road, 1 injured.

Buriram, A gang of Buriram youths chase and throw bombs. There was a slash in the middle of the road near Khlong Thom Market, Lahan Sai District, Buriram Province. One teenager was injured. Police rushed to track down another group of teenagers to prosecute. A good citizen recorded the incident and called the authorities to come and stop the incident. Two groups of teenagers riding motorbikes chased each other in the middle of the road. and threw grenades at each other, chasing each other until the other motorcycle fell first. Then came directly to attack the body. The incident occurred at a red light intersection on Lahan Sai-Pakham Road, Buriram Province. After the incident, police from Lahan Sai Police Station, Buriram Province, carried out a preliminary investigation and found one injured person, a 13-year-old boy with a broken left leg. There are scratches on the body. Was sent for further treatment to Nangrong Hospital after examining the scene. One improvised explosive device was found lying around and is in the process of tracking down the teenagers. Another group came to prosecute. As for Mr. A (pseudonym), 16 years old, a friend of the injured person and in the incident, said that before the incident, they were riding a motorcycle, leaving a friend's house. On the way, they met another group of teenagers riding a motorcycle together. 3 cars, riding after them Then threw one grenade at him, so they threw the grenade back at him. But the rival group refused to stop, rode a motorcycle, crashed into a friend's car until he fell, and then used a knife to slash him in the head. But my friend was wearing a helmet so he didn't hit his head. But he also used his foot to stomp repeatedly until his leg was broken. before the group of teenagers who committed the crime drove away in their cars. As for the group that caused the crime Friends who were injured said they were teenagers from different villages who had been enemies before. After the incident, he posted on Facebook mockingly, saying, "Rubbish, saliva." In addition, information was also found that the area During the weekends there is a Khlong Thom flea market. There are often groups of young people quarreling with each other. Vendors and villagers who come to the flea market have to take cover for fear of being caught in the crossfire. Therefore, I want the officials to find serious measures. Conducted with a group of teenagers Don't let this happen. Because of fear that unrelated people will also be caught in the crossfire. Source: Thai News Agency