A newly born calf looks exactly as per the ancient scriptures.

Satun Villagers are rumored! 'Lucky,' a newly born calf whose appearance matches the ancient texts, is believed to be a 'Phaya Wua.' The owner said he was born on the day the lottery was drawn. Plus luck and win prizes. After the villagers rumored that There was a cow that had just given birth and looked exactly as described in ancient texts as a "Phaya Cow". So the reporter went to Farm Suk Resort, Village No. 10, Kamphaeng Subdistrict, Langu District, Satun Province, by the owner of Farm Suk. It was Mrs. Namthip Trassiri, 41 years old, playing with a newly born calf. This is a calf that the villagers rumored to be the royal cow. Mrs. Namthip told him that The calf was born on April 16, 2024, which coincided with the lottery draw day. The caretaker is Mr. Samak Kobyayayang, aged 40 years, and won two lottery tickets with the last 3 digits, so he named him Lucky. Because he was born to bring luck to the person raising him. Lucky is similar to his father, with a white Bodhi leaf. The front of the four legs are white like wearing socks. Lucky's father is a cross between a local cow and a fighting cow. So it has an elegant shape. By both the father and mother of Lucky The owner has redeemed both of their lives. My husband is a person who likes to make merit. When you see animals being sent to the slaughterhouse I feel sorry for him and often go to redeem his life first. Both cows and goats Until now, there are more than 30 animals in total on the farm. Therefore, we want to make it an agricultural tourism destination because the animals raised are animals. The shape is beautiful and strange and very familiar to people. Tourists who come to stay in the resort They often like to come and see the farm animals they raise. As for Phaya Wua, he has the characteristics of the seven ancient texts: a glass mouth, blue eyes, a Bodhi face, a striped body, a white tail, spotted feet, and four socks. Which Lucky is according to all textbooks. After redeeming the lives of these animals to raise them on the farm. Life is happi er. The resort has tourists coming to stay all the time. A progressive business As for myself, I'm happy. When you see the animals in these farms, they are all happy and come to play with them every day. Personally, I don't know what Phaya Wua looks like. But when the caretaker told me, I looked it up on Google and found that Lucky was in accordance with all the textbooks. If it is truly a royal cow, it is considered lucky. Source: Thai News Agency