Accelerate control of cleanliness After finding acute diarrhea in many areas

Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health emphasizes schools, children's centers, hotels, resorts, establishments. intense control of cleanliness according to the guidelines for health promotion and environmental sanitation after the epidemic of acute diarrhea Advise people to eat hot Use a personal spoon to wash your hands.

Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai The Director-General of the Department of Health revealed that from the inclement weather in Thailand, including rain and cold weather, resulting in germs growing well. especially norovirus and rotavirus which causes acute diarrhea or severe diarrhea On June 8, 2023, he received a report from the Phuket Provincial Public Health Office. More than 80 students were found to have acute diarrhea in school. Including a report from the Chanthaburi Provincial Emergency Notification and Command Center on June 9, 2023, there were 20 study visits to the resort in Chanthaburi Province with food symptoms, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

Dr. Suwanchai went on to say that From this situation, it is considered an outbreak of acute fecal disease. Happening as a group in schools and accommodation, the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health therefore assigns a team of missions to promote health and environmental health to work with communication areas to create awareness. and emphasize the school Children's centers, hotels, resorts, establishments, food shops, markets and people follow the guidelines for health promotion and environmental hygiene. To reduce the risk of acute diarrhea outbreaks in all areas and all age groups are:

1) Survey and assess the hygienic conditions of the place where the disease is spreading. establishment production processes of establishments, businesses and sources of food production and drinking water such as food shops, fresh markets, community waterworks Ice factory, drinking water, etc., to monitor the spread of germs.

2) Give advice on supervision, control, supervision of the operation production process management of establishments, businesses, sources of production, symptoms and drinking water

Clean water There is a disinfection in the area that is prone to contamination. Keeping the toilet clean Including taking care of good hygiene of employees, staff, cooks. or those who have contact with food and drinking water

and 3) communicate to create awareness among entrepreneurs. production site supervisor And sell food, teachers, students to observe Assess the risk in the area and the point where there is a risk of pathogen contamination. Including taking care of the hygiene of buildings, various places to be clean. disinfection and proper waste management

“In this regard, young children are considered a risk group. The Department of Health therefore asks teachers and caregivers of young children to pay special attention. by providing a hand washing station with soap or alcohol gel Along with educating students on health care and promoting personal hygiene behaviors. and have acute diarrhea or risk of loss of minerals, weakness, initially drink Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) and if the symptoms are severe, seek medical attention immediately. For food operators, good hygiene should be provided. take care of the hygiene of the building drinking water production facility standard ice reliable and people should have good personal hygiene behaviors by eating freshly cooked food Use your own middle spoon Wash your hands with clean water and soap. or use alcohol gel before eating after entering the bathroom, toilet and when touching the common contact point shop for products and eating in a clean food store to reduce the risk of acute diarrhea outbreaks”

Source: Thai News Agency