Accelerate the investigation of the case of “Luang Puphun” who was burned in the middle of the forest.

Phetchabun, Police rush to search for evidence. A case where the body of the abbot of Wat Pa Kasemsuk was found burnt in the middle of the forest behind the temple. In a condition with only his body, head and arms remaining, he was expected to have been robbed before the body was dragged and burned to destroy evidence. From the case where someone found the body of Luang Pu Poon Thitpunyo, 75 years old, almost the entire body burned. Only the left shoulder, upper body and part of the head remained in the community forest. Behind Wat Pa Kasem Suk, Ban Tha Sao, Nong Phai District, Phetchabun Province And the cremation point for the body was about 150 meters from the sermon pavilion. In this case, the police initially examined the evidence. Check inside the room and the area of ??Luang Pu Phun's monastery which is under the sermon hall No traces of ransacking or fighting were found. Villagers gave information that this temple was in a community forest area. It is about 2 kilometers from the village and inside the temple there is Luang Pu Phun, who is a development monk. and taking care of the community forest There is only one monk who lives in the Buddhist Lent. Every morning there is a disciple who lives in the village. Volunteer to drive a tricycle Taking Luang Pu out to receive alms But yesterday morning (March 3), the disciple who was going to take Luang Pu to get alms felt something amiss. Because I didn't see Luang Pu waiting at the monastery as usual. So he walked around the sermon hall. But I searched for a long time and couldn't find it. So I went to inform the adults. Announcement for villagers to come help find it. For fear that he might pass out and faint while taking care of the community forest. But in the end, he returned to find Luang Pu's body burned in the middle of the forest. I personally believe that Grandfather was killed Because the traces at the burn site looked like they had been dragged from the bathroom area. As for the cause, it is believed that it may have been a robbery killing. Or they came in to steal property and Luang Pu found them, so he killed them and dragged the body to burn in the middle of the forest to hide the case. Luang Pu's relatives emphasized that Luang Pu was a strict and disciplined monk. Staying secluded in the temple for a long time, there are monks from other places who come to stay for the Buddhist Lent as well. But it didn't take long to go. Anyone who was in trouble came to ask for help, Luang Pu always helped. As for what the villagers said Grandfather may have been murdered and robbed. I believe that too. Because now in the village and nearby areas There are a lot of teenagers hanging out and taking drugs. I want the officials to quickly track down the killer and bring him to justice. Because it was an event that caused great distress to the villagers. Source: Thai News Agency