ALRO points out fire protection lines Khao Yai National Park invades land reform area

Bangkok: The ALRO examined aerial photographs dating back 28 years to confirm the land reform boundary in the area of ??Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. They found a road that is a fire line and a national park patrol route. Khao Yai Cutting encroachment 1 km into the land reform area. Emphasizing that ALRO is definitely not encroaching on the national park, but issuance of ALRO 4-01 in the land reform area which has forest conditions. It is an illegal operation. If found in any area Minister Thammanat ordered strict punishment. The Agricultural Land Reform Office (Agricultural Land Reform Office) brought aerial photographs dating back to 1952 to examine to confirm the land reform boundary lines. Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province The Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Office set up a stake in the ALRO and issued ALRO Kor 4-01 in Village No. 10. Later, Khao Yai National Park officials came to inspect and seize. Until it became the sourc e of a dispute about the boundary between the ALRO and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. In addition, it reviewed the government's actions regarding the classification of forest areas to be allocated as arable land for farmers in the past and all related laws. It was found that in 1959 there was a Cabinet resolution to classify land as Thailand By separating it into land that will be reserved as a forest area. and land that will be allocated to the people for farming Following the recommendations of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1950, it was assigned to the Ministry of Interior. Collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to carry out Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Assigned to the Land Development Department to carry out the work, even though the Forestry Department is under the Ministry of Agriculture. The reason for this may be that at that time the Forest Department did not have personnel with expertise. Later, on November 14, 1961, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Agriculture presented the results to the Cabinet for consideration of the land classification results, which the Cabinet approved. It is classified as forest area that will be permanently preserved as national property or what is later called "forest forest area". Permanent forest area of ??approximately 171 million rai and land classified for allocation to the people for farming of approximately 31 million rai. At that time, the permanent forest area of ??Khao Yai Forest, an area of ??219,375 rai, was also classified. At the same time, it was also proposed to request opinions from the Cabinet. Because the survey to classify an area is a physical survey that Is the land in forest condition and suitable for agriculture or not? It is appropriate to have another field survey, which the Cabinet approves as proposed. Then, on September 18, 1962, a royal decree was issued to define the area of ??Khao Yai forest land, an area of ??over 1.3 mi llion rai, which overlapped with the Khao Yai forest's permanent forest area. Until in 1963, the Cabinet approved the permanent forest area. Khao Yai National Forest As approved in 1961, the area of ??219,375 rai is the same as before. The Forest Department sent the boundaries of Khao Yai National Park to the Land Development Committee in 1984. At the Land Development Committee meeting No. 6/1994 on December 26, 1984, it was agreed to classify overlapping areas between permanent forest areas and forest areas. Pa Khao Yai National Park again and submitted it to the Cabinet for consideration on March 3, 1987. From an area of ??219,375 rai, the Cabinet agreed to classify 181,729 rai of the overlapping area as Pa Khao Yai National Park. As for this non-overlapping permanent forest area, Classify it for the ALRO to reform 37,625 rai of land and maintain it as permanent forest in Khao Yai Forest. For the people to use and as a buffer area of ??3,729 rai. Therefore, ALRO has the opinion that The area of ??Khao Yai National Park is 181,729 rai according to the Cabinet resolution of 1987, including from dividing the land into 3 parts as mentioned above, it can be clearly seen that The boundary of the area at ALRO has received It is not land that overlaps with Khao Yai National Park. or was it part of Khao Yai National Park before in any way? In this regard, ALRO took the classified permanent forest land to enact a Royal Decree demarcating the area of ??land as a land reform area. In 1993, the Royal Forest Department used environmental funds to cut roads as fire breaks. and is a patrol route around the Khao Yai National Park. The contractor cutting the road encroached into the land reform area for about 1 kilometer, causing problems during that time in inspecting the work being hired. When the fire line road extends from the national park area into the land reform area Khao Yai National Park officials then began to arrest villagers who were working on the land in that area. The people therefore did not dare to go in to make food. This causes the land to return to its natural forest-like condition. For the issues that officials from the Land Reform Office, Nakhon Ratchasima Province Went in to survey and issued S.P.K. 4-01 in the area of ??Ban Heew Pla Kang, Village No. 10, where the land is in a forest condition. It is something that violates land allocation regulations. In addition, the person who receives S.P.K. 4-01 may not be a farmer. Therefore, it is something that Capt. Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives It is seen that there may be fraudulent intent. Therefore assigned a legal advisor to report a criminal case. on the basis of being an official who performed his duties illegally Including the Secretary-General of the ALRO to set up a committee to examine the facts. in order to lead to further disciplinary action Recently, Capt. Thammanat signed an order regarding the policy for implementing the buffer zone between the land reform area and other types of government land. The important thing is that Areas adjacent to protected forests and national reserved forests It must not be allocated to agriculture at all. But make it a community forest. for farmers to take advantage along with preserving forest areas In addition, check the allocation of land in land reform areas. Have there been cases of illegal land acquisition? Or allocate land to farmers illegally or not? Or there is still land that has not yet been allocated to farmers. If it is found that such land allocation is not legal, Proceed strictly according to relevant laws or regulations. As well as preparing to survey areas that have not yet been allocated. or vacant land Supporting vulnerable groups of farmers or disadvantaged groups who do not have land to farm By allocating land to these groups in accordance with ALRO regulations. Capt. Thammanat reiterated that if land reform officials are found to have issued S.P.K. 4-01 illegally, they will not keep it. By allocating land of ALRO, it must be provided to poor farmers. According to th e Agricultural Land Reform Act B.E. 2518 Source: Thai News Agency