“Anutin” opens the way for local administrative organizations to purchase influenza vaccines.

“Anutin” reiterates the meeting of the Vaccine Committee, opening the way for local administrative organizations to purchase influenza vaccines in fiscal year 2024 on their own. According to the criteria of the Comptroller General's Department and the Department of Disease Control, there are no problems, even though local administrative organizations in each area have unequal potential. Because there are still vaccines from the Department of Disease Control and NHSO to serve high-risk groups. But it may not be enough to cover everything.

Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health Said after the meeting of the National Vaccine Committee that this meeting It was the last time that he performed his duties as Minister of Public Health. The meeting considered the establishment of a subcommittee on immunization. Set up an approval framework for fiscal year 2024, local government organizations or Local administrative organizations can purchase influenza vaccines. by yourself There are steps to go through. Electronic bidding method (e-bidding) according to the Comptroller General's Department principles. and must be approved by the Department of Disease Control The details or steps have been entrusted to the Department of Disease Control. As for concerns about the unequal capacity of local administrative organizations in each area, it is seen that the Department of Disease Control normally provides vaccination services. to at-risk groups already, only which local administrative organizations have the potential to purchase them themselves Regarding purchasing the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer To provide correction services for girls aged 11 years or those who are of primary school age.

Dr. Tares Krassanairawiwong Director General Department of Disease Control Said that the procurement of influenza vaccines by local administrative organizations It is in addition to the vaccines that the Department of Disease Control provides to 7 at-risk groups, including children, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses, etc., where local administrative organizations have a large population or have special areas in the area, such as military camps or prisons. Normally, the arrangement Buying influenza vaccine is done in 2 parts, or NHSO purchases 4 million doses of 3 types of vaccine, totaling 400 million baht. The Department of Disease Control has purchased 4 strains, 600,000 doses, totaling 10 million baht. If you calculate the number of 12 million elderly people, young children 6 months - 3 years old, it will be found that there is still not enough vaccine available. By preparing to open a pilot purchasing location in the surrounding area.

Source: Thai News Agency
