Anyone who encounters it, please inform! Kangaroo escaped from Chiang Mai Zoo

Chiang Mai Mobilize officials to search for kangaroos. after falling out of the Chiang Mai Zoo exhibit Requesting those who saw it to report any clues. Afraid of being harmed Tourists film a kangaroo jumping in the middle of the road. On the route up Doi Suthep Before reaching the Doi Suthep National Park checkpoint, Chiang Mai Province, this morning. Recently, officials learned that it was a kangaroo in the Chiang Mai Zoo exhibit. that escapes from the cage Since last morning Chiang Mai Zoo staff Worked together with Doi Suthep National Park officers, patrol team, who were experts in the routes. Mobilize forces to search Follow the tracks of this kangaroo. The latest clue was found that it jumped across the road. Go into the forest on the side of the road. back area Royal Thai Navy vibration measurement station at the foot of Doi Suthep, with several stray dogs running in pursuit. This may cause it to become frightened and run far away. However, from the footprints found now It is not far from the village of the villagers. It is Chang Khian village. and Chang Khian Boy Scout Camp Therefore, we have asked for cooperation. If you find any clues or find a kangaroo, please inform the authorities immediately. Because of fear of being bitten by dogs and being harmed Source: Thai News Agency