Arrest of 2 drug addicted brothers Stabs the undertaker to death

Udon Thani Udon Thani police arrested 2 drug addicted brothers. Wielding a knife, he stabbed an undertaker to death. Claimed to charge expensive funeral expenses 2 brothers attack Uncle Undertaker The older person held a knife to peel the fruit. The younger one held a knife to cut sugarcane. Chasing and attacking the deceased who was holding a long sword in his hand. Come into the grocery store before running out to the front of the store My older brother kicked me many times. He kicked and cut off the undertaker's leg until he fell and hit his head on the ground. Then he hunched over the dead man. Before using a fruit peeling knife, he stabbed the deceased's epigastric region. As for the younger man, he stood and stepped on the deceased's arm, preventing him from fighting before a villager went in to stop him. and confiscated the knife used in the crime The couple then fled. The incident occurred in front of a grocery store in Dong That Village, Village No. 7, Kut Chap Subdistrict, Kut Chap District, Udon Thani Province. Villagers quickly informed the police at Kut Chap Police Station that the two were brothers and were still walking around in the village while drunk and hallucinating. Police investigated the scene where they found the body of Mr. Urai, 65 years old, a village temple undertaker. Was stabbed with a sharp knife into the epigastric area. Sleeping in front of the grocery store. The villagers kept the knives in the middle and gave them to the police. It was a folding knife with a sharp, blood-stained tip. or a fruit peeling knife approximately 6 inches long, a sugarcane cutting knife approximately 60 cm long, and a bloodstained zapata knife approximately 60 cm long, so the police kept them as evidence. and give the body of the deceased to relatives to perform merit-making As for the perpetrators, they are relatives. And he is a niece, whose names are known as Mr. Yutthaphong or Kai, 32 years old, and Mr. Adisak or Khiao, 30 years old. They are brothers. After the incident, they took a pink bicycl e home. The police then followed and arrested Mr. Kai in front of the house. While sleeping on a cot under the house and listen to music at the same time Beside the cot, weapons such as a machete and an ax were found. Police then used pronged sticks, hooks and shields to take control. who is still in a state of drunkenness and drug hallucinations Talking nonsense, not knowing much But the meaning is that He didn't know that he had gone to kill the undertaker. which are relatives And he was injured when the undertaker used a Sparta knife to cut the fork of his right hand. The issue comes from an argument about the funeral for his grandfather. before being detained by police at the police station While Mr. Green Police searched the entire village for about an hour but still couldn't find him. So he had his relatives persuade him to surrender to the police investigating team. Detained for questioning Both men's urine was tested and found it was purple, but both were still intoxicated and hallucinating. Can't ta lk. And both of them admitted that they had taken 3 methamphetamine pills yesterday and had gone together to drink white liquor. After going to the South Came to cook from last night until drunk. before leading together to cause a crime The father of the perpetrator said that his two sons had been drinking alcohol and taking drugs for a long time. I used to take it for treatment and used it again. The deceased is like a relative. Because we moved from Kumphawapi District together, we are saddened by this event. Whoever does this must be held liable according to the law of the country. Apologize to the soul of the deceased on behalf of my son. The deceased's niece said His grandfather was the village temple undertaker. and organized a funeral for the grandfathers of the two people who committed the crime about a month ago. Both of them often scolded each other. that the event was not worthy of the price paid Grandpa used to talk about this matter to Grandma. Because the perpetrator was a relative of my grand mother. Grandma told Grandpa not to worry about anything. The cremation fee was 2,000 baht, the refrigeration fee was 500 baht, totaling 2,500 baht. Grandpa would only take the 500 baht for the refrigeration fee, and the rest was donated to the temple. It's up to the Provost to give you enough wages to use. The deceased's wife admits she is sorry, but doesn't hold grudges against the perpetrator. Let it be according to the laws of the country. Initially, the police filed charges. Intentionally killing another person Carrying knives around the village or public way without reasonable cause and use drugs classified as category 1 (amphetamine) illegally. Source: Thai News Agency