Arrest of director and retired teacher Buy services for 12 year old girl

Khon Kaen, May 17 - Police suppressing human trafficking arrested the director of a school in Khon Kaen province and a retired teacher for purchasing the services of a 12-year-old girl and a 17-year-old girl. Police suppress human trafficking and President of the Paweena Hongsakul Foundation for Children and Women jointly held a press conference on an operation to dismantle a human trafficking ring for young girls in Khon Kaen Province, leading to the arrest of 5 suspects, including Ms. Tik, 26 years old, Mr. Nueng, and Ms. Daoruang. The owner of two resorts in Khon Kaen Province is a recruiting agent, Mr. Daeng, 58 years old, director of a primary school in Khon Kaen Province, Hia Mee, 69 years old, a retired civil service teacher. and help the victims, a 12-year-old girl and 2 17-year-old girls, a total of 3 people, all of whom are currently under the protection of Ban Kret Trakan To take care of and restore the mental state Ready to coordinate basic education for children to return to continue their educ ation and will take disciplinary action against School director who purchases services Source: Thai News Agency