Arrest of the owners of 2 major gambling websites, found to have the same owner

Cyber ??police arrest owners of two major online gambling networks, found to be owned by the same person, seizing assets worth 190 million baht. Police reveal that cartoon profile pictures were used on the website to attract attention from young gamblers. Police from the Technology Crime Suppression Division arrested two online gambling networks with an annual turnover of over 480 million baht, seizing luxury cars, 8 million baht in cash, land title deeds in Phuket, Phang Nga, Songkhla, and Krabi provinces, and assets worth a combined 190 million baht. The investigation found that both networks were owned by the same three individuals, who acted as financiers and assigned managers to oversee the websites, finances, and the procurement of mule accounts, as well as employees in the company. Initial findings indicate that the offenses have been occurring for over 5 years. Pol. Lt. Gen. Worawat Wattanakornbancha, Commander of the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD), revealed that the arrest of the per petrators was due to the cyber police investigating the perpetrators involved in organizing online football betting and other types of gambling via the internet. It was found that there were two football betting networks accessible to the general public. Initial findings showed that there were over 50,000 members and that the turnover was over 480 million baht per year. Therefore, evidence was collected to request arrest warrants for a total of 13 perpetrators: three owners, one manager, nine employees, and mule accounts. Search warrants were requested from the Criminal Court and Songkhla Provincial Court to search four target areas, and four suspects were arrested: one owner and one manager. For both online gambling networks, they use cartoon profile pictures on the website pages to attract gamblers, who are young people. Therefore, I would like to ask parents to help monitor their children's behavior. In the case that some young gamblers do not have bank accounts, but when they win a bet, they will be aske d to provide their parents' bank account or credit card. After that, the admin will trick them into giving them information in order to obtain the credit card and bank account passwords in order to siphon money. In the case that young gamblers do not have a credit card or a bank account of their parents, they will be asked to send obscene pictures or tricked into opening an account and a ghost SIM card, claiming that they will transfer the winnings from gambling on the website as compensation. From the interrogation during the investigation, the suspect confessed. The investigator will prosecute the case for the crime of jointly organizing electronic gambling for property without permission and colluding by agreement of 2 or more people to commit money laundering and committing money laundering because of the colluding and jointly laundering money. -416-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency