At the beginning of the rainy season, forest produce is sold in the market. Grilled mushrooms, good price, 800 baht per kilogram.

Sakon Nakhon, Delicious food in the rainy season Forest products are sold in the fresh market of Sakon Nakhon Municipality. Especially grilled mushrooms Good things are only available once a year. The price is eye-catching, 800 baht per kilo. At the Sakon Nakhon Municipal Fresh Market or bypass market During this time, you will see forest products sold all over the market. Because it's the rainy season. Most of the villagers got it from the Phu Phan mountain range, including bamboo shoots, sweet vegetables, krajiao flowers, and turtle liver mushrooms, all sold at various prices. Such as turtle liver mushrooms, 300-400 baht per kilogram, sweet vegetables, 50 baht per pile, and also egg larvae. Previously the price was very high. But when it rains more The price has started to drop to about 200 baht per kilogram. But it seems to be very desired by customers. Even though the price is high, it's grilled mushrooms or mushrooms. Explore the Sakon Nakhon Municipal Market. Today the price is 700-800 baht per kilo gram. Yesterday, it was 1,000 baht per kilogram, divided into krathongs for 100-200 baht per kilogram. The reason the price is high is because it is still the beginning of the rainy season. There aren't many mushrooms coming out yet. Newly released mushrooms like this are soft. extra crispy Mushrooms have round, flat flowers. The inside is white, yellowish, light brown, dark, depending on the age of the mushroom. It comes out once a year, at the beginning of the rainy season from May to June. They are most commonly used in curry with various vegetables, stir-fried with oyster sauce, and steamed with spicy dipping sauce. Source: Thai News Agency