Bang Rak Police Station Superintendent explains case of killing drunk man who went on a rampage

The Superintendent of Bang Rak Police Station explained the case of a police officer who shot a 46-year-old man who was drunk and went on a rampage, insisting that he did not use excessive force, as the deceased opened fire first, and that he did not block relatives from viewing the body. Progress in the case of the police killing Mr. Mongkol, aged 46, who died in Soi Narathiwat Ratchanakarin 1 after he came to pick up his wife, who was believed to have been with a tomboy at a bar in the area, but the police refused to let his brother go see his sister's body, leading to suspicions about the killing in the middle of last night. Pol. Col. Thammasak Sarabun, Superintendent of Bang Rak Police Station, confirmed that it was not an excessive use of force because the CCTV footage clearly showed that the deceased raised the gun and fired first. The officers did not intend to kill him, but at that time they had to try to shoot to make him stop. When the deceased refused to stop, they had to shoot until he stopped, but hit a vital spot and died. They did not block the way because they were the ones who took the relatives to see the body, but asked for cooperation not to take pictures. At that time, there were both forensic officers and forensic doctors who were witnesses. The Bang Rak Police Station Chief stated that the deceased used a gun, not a knife. If the gun had fired, it would have been fatal. The police had no other choice. As for the electric gun, it was not prepared because the police went in to stop the incident. They were informed that the deceased was only looking for his girlfriend. Source: Thai News Agency