Be sure before sharing: Blood clots from the COVID-19 vaccine Is it really different from normal blood clots?

09 March 2023 Translated and edited article by: Adisorn Suksomath. Reviewed and proofread by: Khomthanon Sukajjasakul. Shared information: False information was published on foreign websites when Epoch Times, a website with a history of spreading fake news, Published article claiming blood clots in people vaccinated with COVID-19 They have properties that are different from blood clots in other people. Citing experimental results published on the Natural News website that claim Blood clot structure in people vaccinated with COVID-19 There is a clear difference from unvaccinated people. Conclusion : Blood clots that form in each part of the body have a different structure. Therefore, it cannot be said whether this difference is due to vaccination or not. FACT CHECK : Check the facts : However, an investigation by Fact Checker from Health Feedback found that blood clot trial results from the website Natural News lacked credibility for two reasons: 1. The website has a history of frequently publishing f ake news about COVID-19 vaccines, and 2. The experiment had several flaws. Natural News's history of spreading fake news Natural News has been investigated by Fact Checker overseas for spreading false information about COVID-19 vaccines. Including accusations that vaccines are the cause of cancer. And it's a plan to genocide with vaccines (Vaccine Holocaust). Fact-checking website Media Bias/Fact Check describes Natural News as a source of conspiracy theories and fake science. And it is one of the most unreliable sources of information on the internet. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube had their information removed from their platforms. also charged with spreading fake news Each part of the blood clot has a different structure. Natural News' claims stem from an experiment in which blood clots from people who claimed to have been vaccinated with COVID-19 were taken. and blood clots in unvaccinated people Let's check through a tool called ICP-MS or a tool used for elemental an alysis. It can be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. To compare the structure of blood clots Natural News claims blood clots in people vaccinated with COVID-19 There was a big difference in blood clots among unvaccinated people. until it is not similar to human blood This is because the amount of various minerals is greatly reduced, especially iron ore, only 4.4% compared to that found in the blood clots of the average person. However, this reason cannot be used to claim that vaccines are not safe. This is because blood clots come from different locations in the body. As a result, the structure of the blood clot is different. A 2020 study published online in the medical journal Nature compared the structure of blood clots found in arteries and veins. It was found that blood clots in the arteries (Arterial Clots) have the main components: The protein fibrin, or protein that helps blood clot (43%), and platelets (31%), and red blood cells are only a small component. As for blood clots in the ve ins (Venous Clots), it was found that they were composed of up to 63% red blood cells. In red blood cells, there is a protein called hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to tissue cells in various organs of the body. Hemoglobin is considered a protein rich in iron. In addition, there is information found that The longer the blood clot has been formed, The amount of fibrin protein in the blood clot will only increase. Therefore it can be concluded that Differences in the amount of minerals in blood clots have been used as evidence to attack the unsafety of COVID-19 vaccines. is wrong This is because differences in the structure of blood clots come from many factors. by the different locations of blood clots in the body This causes the structure of the blood clot to be different. Including the duration of the blood clot. It also causes the structure of the blood clot to change. Source: Thai News Agency