Be sure before sharing CHECK-LIST: 5 hit stories, chili recipes for healing And caution, is it true?

July 12, 2023 – On social media, there are many shares about the benefits of chili, some say that chili-egg-salt cures diabetes, and some say drinking chilli stem boiled water can help flush the kidneys?! Which story is true Which story is false? Find the answer for sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST Hundreds of popular stories. Rank from sure before sharing.

1st place: Chili - Egg - Salt really cures diabetes?

The message was shared that “Good news, a 5-minute diabetes cure recipe that uses 3 foods: chili, eggs and salt.”

Check the facts with: Major General Ying Prof. Clinic, Dr. Ampha Sutthijamrun, Vice President of the Diabetes Association of Thailand

Conclusion: It's not true, it shouldn't be shared ?

“At present, there is no way to cure diabetes within 5 minutes, even injections to reduce sugar do not cure it. It's just the control of sugar levels within the appropriate criteria. People with diabetes must take care of their health, exercise, along with taking diabetes medication.

For the cause of diabetes comes from heredity and improper eating habits. Importantly, with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas that produces insulin doesn't work. Lifelong injections are required. Recommendations for diabetic patients should not eat very sweet food, sugary drinks or very sweet fruits. will make the pancreas tired can't work well.”

2nd place: Beware of leptospirosis in dried chili, is it true?

A clip has been shared warning against leptospirosis that comes with dried chili peppers and on the lids of food or beverage cans.

Check the facts with : Wirongrong Chiarakul, M.D., Department of Tropical Medicine Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University

Conclusion: not true, should not be shared ?

“You shouldn't worry about leptospirosis. Because leptospirosis is in wet water. will die if it stays dry If you find rats in dried chili peppers, you should be careful with other pathogens contaminated with food, such as Hanta virus, a virus that can be transmitted through touch, breath, and some types of rats are carriers. but found mostly in South America not epidemic in Thailand

Leptospirosis or leptospirosis in still water enters the body through a wound on the skin If entering the blood stream, there will be a high fever, chills, aches and pains, red eyes. If severe, kidney failure will occur. Bleeding in the lungs. Caution. Should wear shoes when walking in the water.

3rd place: eating spicy food is a risk of intestinal inflammation, is it true?

Messages are shared warning that eating very spicy food risk causing inflammatory bowel disease

Check the facts with : Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Piyaphan Pruekpanich, a gastroenterologist Chulalongkorn Hospital

Conclusion: not true, should not be shared ?

“Most cases of inflammatory bowel disease are caused by infection from eating unhealthy or contaminated food. Eating very spicy food is not the cause of inflammatory bowel disease.”

4th place: Drinking chilli stem boiled water helps detoxify the kidneys, is it true?

There is a shared recommendation of effective dialysis herbal formulas. By drinking chilli stem boiled water, drinking for 7 days, the result was clearly seen from the color of the urine.

Fact check with : Col.Dr. The Kidney Association of Thailand

Conclusion: not true, should not be shared ?

“There is no medical information confirming that it can help detoxify the kidneys. The

“dialysis” of Thai traditional medicine is a diuretic, excreting toxins through the urine. While modern medicine is Treatment when the kidneys are not functioning But all of them have no evidence that chili stalks are effective in detoxifying the kidneys or diuretic. Importantly, it doesn't make the kidneys better. Especially those with risk factors for kidney disease, such as diabetes, may cause kidney deterioration faster.

Experts stress that there is no substitute for dialysis in modern medicine. If forced to eat, it may cause negative effects, especially for people with end-stage renal failure. Ready to recommend self-screening for kidney disease Since eating right, reducing risk factors for kidney disease control diabetes, control blood pressure, and reduce pain medication

5th place: If you want to grow old slowly, you have to eat chili paste, is that true?

There is a share suggesting that if you want to grow old slowly, you need to eat chilli paste. because it contains useful components

Check the facts with : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaraj Ketwal, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University

Summary: Some truths should not be shared ?

“Nam Prik contains herbs and vegetables which contain antioxidants. May help slow down aging to some extent, but should not expect serious results.

Fact Checked by: Peerapol Anutarasoth, Akarawut Tuwachirakul

Compiled by: Chayanit Phongsai

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Source: Thai News Agency