Be sure before sharing: choosing drinking water, you have to look at the alkalinity, is it true?

From the case of sharing an article about the alkalinity of drinking water Drinking water or eating acidic foods or foods with a pH below 7 is dangerous, causing osteoporosis in aging, and sharing the pH of different brands of drinking water.

Conclusion: partially true, should not be shared ??

The untrue part ? is drinking water and eating acidic foods. Causing the body to draw calcium from the bones to break down the acid When getting older, it causes osteoporosis.

The real part ? is drinking water with pH 6.5 - 8.5, safe according to World Health Organization standards.

Center for sure before sharing, check with Asst. Prof. Dr. Natthaphon Tangsubhum, Deputy Director. institute of nutrition Mahidol University

What is pH?

pH is a measure of the concentration of acidity or alkalinity. in each type of water It will have a value in the range 0 to 14.

pH level = below 7 is acidic.

The pH level = 7 is neutral.

pH level = greater than 7, it is alkaline.

drinking water and eating acidic foods will cause the body to draw calcium from the bones to break down the acid When you get older, it will cause osteoporosis, is it true?

“Not true. Normally, the body has to maintain the balance of acid-base (pH) in a balanced state, not too high or too low.

It can be observed that when eating sour food, you will feel that more juice is secreted in the stomach to dilute the acid. not related to calcium That said, these things will bite the calcium. But in fact, water or acidic food. The ingested food does not come into direct contact with the bones,” Asst. Prof. Dr. Natthaphon said.

Citrus foods or fruits which is usually very acidic which is already known Acids can dissolve tooth surfaces. If you eat regularly, it can cause your teeth to erode.

From the shared message:

alkalinity of drinking water

The body must maintain its alkalinity at ph 7.4.

Drinking water or eating acidic foods (less than ph 7) causes the body to pull calcium from the bones to break down acid, leading to osteoporosis in old age. Water is what we consume all the time. If we drink without information We may be drinking acidic water without realizing it. The following is information obtained from the Internet about what brand it is and how much the ph is. If the ph is lower 7 is considered acidic

Minere 8.17

Nestlé 7.90

Singha 7.90

Perra 7.80

Aura 7.10

Montfer 7.09

Crystal 6.96

Cool Fresh 6.71

KL 6.17

Soft drink 2.0-3.0

For sure before sharing, there was a pH test of the drinking water as shared, which the pH value was different from the message shared. There are more than and less than:

Source: Thai News Agency