Be sure before sharing CyberUpdate : 2 May 2024 World Password Day! Is your password safe?

Nowadays, passwords have become a part of our daily life. From logging into social media online shopping Watch movies through streaming platforms Transfer money through the application Including access to many personal digital data. All must use a password together. Therefore, setting a strong password or password is very important. But did you know that The most used passwords in the world and held the championship for many years in a row. Instead, it's a sequence of numbers like 123456, which is a password that's both easy to remember and can be hacked in less than 1 minute, making it World Password Day. born To raise everyone's awareness of the importance of setting strong passwords. And today, for sure before sharing, CyberUpdate will take everyone to get to know the origins of World Password Day. The beginning of World Password Day World Password Day was first held in 2013 by Intel on the first Thursday in May. This year, it falls on May 2, 2024, to emphasize to everyone the importance of setting secur e passwords. Due to cyber threats especially Account information leaked Or having your online account hacked is continually increasing. A report by NordPass (2023) reveals that 86% of cyberattacks are based on stolen personal data, with online bank accounts, emails and passwords being the most frequently sold items on the Dark Web. Many people still choose to use simple passwords. It is often chosen as a sequence of numbers or as a password that the system has configured. They do not consider the importance of maintaining strong password security to protect personal information. 10 passwords that Thai people use the most in 2023, if anyone is still using them Hurry and change it quickly! 1. 123456 2. Aa123456 3. admin 4. 12345678 5. 123456789 6. password 7. Ar123455 8. aa123456 9. 12345 10. 123456Za It can be seen that many of the above passwords It's just a series of numbers. or the word that the system initially set Easily at risk of being hacked A good password should have 4 elements: 1. Uppe rcase English letters 2. Lowercase English letters 3. Numbers 4. Special symbols By these elements It should be mixed in the password. and should be 12 characters or more in length. Celebrate World Password Day by setting a secure password. Be sure before sharing. We invite everyone to join in celebrating World Password Day with 7 techniques for setting secure passwords. 1. Good, unique code We can set a password. from personal information But you have to decorate it to be unique. For example, setting up a phone number Then make the letters harder to guess. By taking letters like our name and inserting them between the numbers. Or you can use a sentence that you like. Name of the place we like Then change the letters to numbers and symbols. For example, changing I to an exclamation mark. Change from O to zero. 2. Hidden letters of the secret code has recommended setting a password. From 2 - 3 values ??or characters and place your hand on the QWERTY Keyboard key. Imitate the str okes of letters For example, the letter V, press the button as follows. You will get the code 1qazse4. Or if you want to make it more complicated Press to mix uppercase letters. You can change the small print too. 3. Switch keyboard mode Use typing passwords in Thai sentences. Then put our keyboard in English mode. But you should not use common words found in the dictionary. Because hackers can use programs to guess passwords. Can be compared from the vocabulary database. 4. Be proud to use songs. Setting a password with the first letter of your favorite lyrics and easy to remember 5. Focus on the code to enhance the story. It's a technique recommended by computer engineers. From Carnegie Mellon University Try thinking of a set of words to tell a story about who, what, and where. It may not be something that actually happened. It's fun. that we can remember and then convert it into code 6. Add the name of the platform When setting the password, you should not set the same password for eac h account on each platform. Because if you can hack into any account It can spread to every account. But having them all be different might be too difficult to remember. We may preface or end the code with the name of the platform. For example, the code used for facebook. It will be password followed by FB. Or if it's LINE It will be the original password. but followed by the word LINE 7. Ready to adjust according to the date Passwords should be changed at least every 3 months. and for easy memory The date, month, and year the password was last set may also be included in the code. Which if at any time we forget or press the wrong button You can see that When was the last time we changed our code? For example, code changed on March 6, 2022. It will be our password followed by 06032565. It's almost the end of the era of passwords! What are Passkeys? Nowadays, a form of identity verification such as Passkeys has been developed, allowing workers to log in easily and more securely than using trad itional passwords. It is a biometric identity verification such as fingerprint, face scan or QR CODE scan through a website or application that supports Passkeys immediately. This method is more secure than two-factor authentication. Protect against phishing scams, malware, data leaks and prevent other types of attacks. Many companies have turned to using Passkeys to verify their identity, including Google, Tiktok, Whatsapp, Amazon. However, traditional passwords are still necessary. To reduce damage that may occur Don't forget to set a strong password. Unique for each account Because no matter how tight the technology is But the key to safety is still with us. However, while the passkey It is becoming more and more widespread. traditional password Including two-step verification It's still necessary. For protecting our valuables Whether it is identity or wealth Therefore, we should pay attention to setting a strong password. Distinguish, do not reuse, stay in one code and enable two-factor authentication wh ere possible. Because truly, no matter how tight the technology is But the key to maximum safety It's still with us. Source: Thai News Agency