Be sure before sharing. FactINFOcus: Be careful! Is it true that a stroke occurs after taking a shower?

On social media, news was shared warning that A man suffered a stroke after taking a shower after encountering cold weather. Was sent to the hospital and found to have high blood pressure. Stroke is life-threatening. Conclusion: Some parts are true, should not be shared ?? Sure Center before sharing, check with Dr. Warisa Wongphanuwich Expert doctor Neurosurgery group Institute of Neurology, Department of Medical Services 'The news shared does not provide complete information. Whether the patient has other illnesses or not Normally, a stroke can occur at any time and has nothing to do with showering. Because the weather is hot or the temperature changes a lot, our body has a mechanism to contract or expand the blood vessels in the skin. To control the body temperature to be stable, which has almost no effect on the blood vessels of the brain.' Source: Thai News Agency