Be sure before sharing FACTSHEET : Eye compress

What should be the correct eye compress? What symptoms should a warm compress be applied to? Or a cold compress? Here are some facts and advice from experts.

Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Professor Wutthikun Dr. Sakchai Wongsakittirak. Academic Chair Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand

Eye compresses are another way to help relieve pain. Relaxes the muscles around the eyes. In what cases will the doctor recommend a warm compress or a cold compress?

Symptoms that should be cooled

Allergies: Cold compresses cause blood vessels to constrict. Reduces itching around the eyes and reduces swelling from allergies.

Tired eyes: Helps relax the muscles around the eyes. relieve eye pain Reduce eye irritation

Swelling and bruising around the eyes from an accident: Cold compresses help reduce inflammation from an accident. and helps blood vessels shrink Can reduce swelling and bruising.

How to cold compress the eyes

– Put ice and water in a small bowl

. – Soak a small towel in cold water in a bowl and wring it out until damp. Or put ice in a towel.

– Place a towel over your eyes.

Symptoms that should be treated with warm compresses

Warm compresses around the eyes help improve blood flow. pain relief The muscles around the eyes cause the blood vessels to dilate. Benefits in groups that are inflamed or infected.

How to warm your eyes with a compress

– Take a small towel and warm a pot of boiling water and wring the cloth until it is damp.

– Take it out and touch the back of your hand to check for appropriate heat

. – Wrap a dry cloth in another layer

. – Place a compress on your eyes.

In some cases, a cold compress and a warm compress must be applied together, such as if you were punched until your eye was swollen and bruised. Cold compresses must be applied within 24 hours, followed by warm compresses to expand the blood vessels to help relieve symptoms.

Interviewed on: 23 August 2023,

fact checked by: Peeraphon Anutrasot,

edited by: Chayanit Phongsai

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Source: Thai News Agency