Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: Know and understand ovarian cancer.

January 21, 2024 - What is ovarian cancer? What is the cause? And what are the symptoms? Here are some facts and advice from experts. Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Prof. Dr. Sarukphan Vilailak, Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital What is ovarian cancer? Malignant tumors in the ovarian area There is a rapid increase in size without control from normal cells. It can also spread to destroy normal organ tissue and can spread to other nearby organs as well. Who are the risk groups? old woman Family history of ovarian cancer Have a history of breast cancer, endometrial cancer Symptoms to watch out for Symptoms that most frequently bring patients to the doctor include: Abdominal symptoms become bloated and bloated. This is because there is water in the stomach or there is a large tumor. or symptoms caused by pressure on the bladder Causes patients to urinate frequently and lose weight. Therefore, women aged 40 years and above must keep an eye on themselve s. Go for internal examinations regularly. At least once a year can help us reduce the risk of birth. "Ovarian cancer" Source: Thai News Agency