Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: Signs of hydrocephalus.

Check with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prajak Srirapeephat, Head of Neurosurgery. Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University

“Fluid retention in the ventricles of the brain” is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, namely the brain in the elderly.

Actually, we have known about this disease for a very long time (about 60 years).

The truth in the past is One group of patients Have an abnormal gait The walking characteristics are all similar, with a hunched back, slower walking, short steps, shuffled feet, not lifting the feet very high, thinking worse, decision making worse. His ability to use his original brain deteriorated. and also includes the mood change syndrome become an irritable person The mood is rather angry.

In addition, it was found that in the same group of patients there were problems with urinary incontinence.

Coincidentally, this group of patients had their spinal fluid drilled out for examination. and is the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid inside It appeared that the system was better. which was found by chance

After searching continuously, the concept of this disease was born. Therefore, treatment becomes the insertion of a drainage device. Because when the water is drained out, the symptoms improve.

Hydrocephalus Is it deterioration with age?

Age-related decline begins in the brain. Because the brain of old people shrinks like our skin.

The brain is tissue. Water in tissues will decrease with age. As the brain shrinks, the ventricles become larger.

larger water hole Someone made the assumption that The surface tension of the larger water cavity changes.

The pressure does not change, hence the origin of the English name “ NPH ” (Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus).

Thai language uses that “Normal pressure hydrocephalus”

This is because the average pressure does not change. But the surface tension changes. Therefore, it is a disease of degeneration that results in Because our brain has many functions, such as vision loss (seeing cloudy jelly in the eye)

Physical deterioration results in abnormal functioning. But because there is more responsibility than walking. more than memory More than holding back urine What has been shown is that there are many symptoms remaining. This is hydrocephalus.

What are the causes of hydrocephalus?

Currently, no one knows what the cause is. I only know that it is not a genetic disease. There are no specific characteristics of transmission. But it occurs among elderly patients.

The only thing that has been found to be true is that the older you get (age 80 and up), the more common it becomes.

In foreign countries (Japan) there are more recent studies. Found the number of patients increased to 7-8%.

Therefore, if viewed as a degenerative disease Everyone has a chance of developing hydrocephalus.

Hydrocephalus Is it like dementia?

“Fluid retention in the ventricles of the brain” is not a matter of cells deteriorating beforehand. Different from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease groups. That group's cells deteriorate at some point. So there are symptoms at one point. Different from scattered symptoms

Nowadays, the symptoms are much wider. It probably means the functioning of the brain in every system. It does not originate from any chemical or cell group that has degenerated, even though some substances will come out strangely, but it has to do with some physicality. because it is diagnosed using images Then diagnosed by drilling after testing to remove water. which has to do with volume and pressure. It has been proven for more than 50 years, so it is probably a deterioration of the physical system. But it causes the physiology, that is, the functioning of the brain to be distorted.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus

It was found that there were non-specific symptoms. But it came at a specific time close to each other.

1. Elderly: The older you are, the higher the risk.

Average age of patients with the most recent study It's around 70 years. But in my opinion, 60 years is still not much. But if 70 years is a risk then

2. Slowing down the walk, looking slow, strange to the ear.

In this group of patients, in the early stages, symptoms were inconsistent. Some days will be better than others. Some days will be worse than others. Sometimes it seems like the patient is faking it. Now you'll move agilely and be energetic. You'll seem sluggish. Some days you'll just sit and sleep. Some days you can go anywhere. Some days walking isn't good at all. But some days why do I walk normally?

If you follow the results for a while It was found that over a period of months or years, the patient would noticeably change. But because people nearby see it every day You may not notice the changes that have occurred. It would be thought that the patient would gradually change like this. Afterwards, it would start to get worse frequently. When it got to the point where it got worse, it would be obvious at that time.

3. Falling , abnormal gait leading to falling, walking little, refusing to walk, balancing and falling.

falling balance Even sitting still couldn't balance. or sitting hunched over Eventually, the head will dip to the ground. fell from the chair Not from sleeping But it is caused by not being able to control one's own balance. Therefore, all the consequences of falling will follow. Because common factors will be found in almost every case. No history of falls before But it will fail repeatedly in the later stages.

4. Incontinence of urine

It is mostly brought on by frequent urination, not being able to hold the urine in time. and finally to the point of not being able to hold back urine at all

5. Irritability

Emotions are also involved. Psychiatric symptoms are found in 70-80% of patients from foreign countries.

6. Swallowing and choking symptoms

The “swallowing, choking, pronunciation” syndrome was found to be related to fluid buildup in the ventricles of the brain. The first study was conducted at Siriraj and reports of the results were published in foreign medical journals. From finding retrospective evidence and bringing it forward for further study.

Group of patients with hydrocephalus Instead of thinking that you can't walk well, can't hold back pee, have memory loss.

I have to think again. Where do you sit and sleep? Hoarse voice, drinking water, choking, coughing frequently at night, choking on saliva. Difficulty swallowing, sucking food, falling asleep at the dining table All of these were found to be correct.

Why do you say yes? Because after treatment or post-test puncture These symptoms disappeared. The good news is that it heals faster than walking symptoms. disappears faster than memory It turns out that the symptoms found in the latter It is a more important measure of life and death for the patient than urinary retention. more than choking on food When you sleep, you choke on your saliva until you wake up. Of course, choking is followed by pneumonia or pneumonia. It was a big deal then.

Have these symptoms Being an old person, walking slowly, walking slowly, taking short steps, unable to make it to the bathroom in time. Hardly able to hold back urine Mood change Sleep changes, speaking little, choking often, voice hoarse, everything seems slow, thinking of hydrocephalus.

Source: Thai News Agency