Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: Vitamin D in mushrooms.

March 29, 2024 - How much vitamin D do mushrooms have? And if the mushrooms are dried in the sun, Will it really increase vitamin D? Here are some facts and advice from experts. Conclusion: True, can be shared ? Center for sure before sharing, check with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kronchit Prajam, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition. Mahidol University Drying mushrooms in the sun It will create vitamin D. 2 Mushrooms with the highest amount of vitamin D include angel mushrooms, which have 15 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams, which is considered sufficient for the amount of vitamin D per day that the body needs, followed by cone mushrooms and black lingam mushrooms. The mushrooms have The precursor is called ergrocerol. When exposed to light, mushrooms are ready to produce vitamin D all the time. The starting material will be in the mushroom cap, mushroom stem. From an experiment where golden needle mushrooms were irradiated with UVB light, it was found that vitamin D before irradiation with UVB light was 0.77 mi crograms per 100 grams, after irradiation with UVB light on both sides for 60 minutes, it was 157.72 micrograms per 100 grams (increased 204.8 times). For oyster mushrooms, vitamin D increased 20 times to 150 micrograms. However, increasing the surface area by cutting the mushrooms into thin slices increases the area that allows light to be received. Interviewed on: 18 December 2023, fact checked by: Peeraphon Anutrasot, edited by: Chayanit Phongsai Source: Thai News Agency