Be sure before sharing Keyword: IDOXGN ? – Bully those who dissent. By shaming the heart to hurt

This…is cyberbullying. That has become a real-life threat and this... has been used as a tool to silence political dissenters. What is the word? Come join us in solving the answers to the riddles. Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Asst. Prof. Dr. Jesada Salathong, lecturer in the Department of Mass Communication. Faculty of Communication Arts Chulalongkorn University This word is DOXING. It means bullying and threatening privacy online. Hackers collect victims' information and release it publicly. without permission from the data owner In the hope that the victim will stop doing something. Hoping that the victim will become afraid and paranoid, making the victim not dare to move to do anything. This is often found in political criticism. The opposite side will dig up history and post it online. To cause the other side to lose its reputation and got toured How to prevent Show personal information as necessary or before always commenting on public posts and not revealing too much of your identity or personal information. And this is the reason that We should be careful when posting. Commenting on social media Because those things may become tools that come back to harm us. Source: Thai News Agency