Be sure before sharing MotorCheck FACTSHEET : Lithium batteries in electric cars

March 12, 2024 - As doubts have been shared about lithium batteries in electric cars, How is it used? Is each brand used differently? And how to take care of it? Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Dr. Sumitra Jarasarojkul, Director of the National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). Lithium-ion batteries are currently the most popular type of battery used to power electric cars. This type of battery is the same type used in other electronic devices such as mobile phones. The advantage of lithium batteries is that they can control temperature well and have a low discharge rate during storage. These features are very important and worthwhile for electric cars. Moreover, due to its low weight and high power output, it can be charged once and travel many kilometers away. Follow more content here ?? Interviewed on: 31 January 2024, fact checked by: Natthaphon Insawat Compiled by: Chayanit Phongsai Source: Thai News Agency