Be sure before sharing: Warning against fraudsters forging tax revenue letters. Fake identity verification, is it true?

As a warning has been shared about fraudsters forging tax revenue letters. Fake identity verification ?? Conclusion: ? Not true, should not be shared further ? It is a real letter from the Revenue Department. ?? Sure Before Sharing Center checked and found that the said content is the same content published on the website and Facebook page of the Revenue Department. It is a way to promote identity verification channels for filing tax forms online. And there are no elements that are considered to be at risk from counterfeiting by fraudsters, including Qr codes or links. However, the Sure Before Sharing Center has inquired with some income earners who are responsible for paying taxes. received the same letter, so the said letter cannot be determined that It was sent from a criminal. From the Sure Before Sharing Center database, it was found that there had previously been real letters from many organizations that were misunderstood as fraudsters, including the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO), Thailand Po st, traffic tickets, and administrative court surveys. Therefore, you should Always check the accuracy from the originating agency first. before forwarding information 2 March 2024, Sure Before Sharing Center, Thai News Agency, MCOT, fact checked by Saowapak Rattanaphong. Shared messages Who received the letter? From the Revenue Department Verify your identity with your digital ID. Be mindful and don't follow a letter from a criminal who acts like it's from the Revenue Department. Source: Thai News Agency