‘Bhoomtham’ is confident that 15,000 tons of rice will be completely drained in June.

Government House, "Bhoomtham" is confident that 15,000 tons of rice will be released in June, insisting it is of good quality - the auction will get a high price. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister And the Minister of Commerce mentioned the case of the rice auction in the rice pledging project. There were 8 bidders, saying there were 7 who passed the auction and 1 company that did not pass. He had already given him details. Today I will send you the details. As for whether he is confident that the 15,000 tons of rice will be able to be released by June, Mr. Phumtham said that he was confident from the moment he ate his first meal. He thought there was no problem. When the Warehouse Organization opened the auction, 8 companies joined in the bidding. It shows that in the system of making rice, both old rice and new rice are not an issue. But the point is to check the quality of the rice. He thought that what the Department of Medical Sciences had done And the media checked with private companies to help confirm. So there shouldn't be any problem here. And in the criteria and conditions for opening the auction (TOR), it can already be checked. When asked whether the auction price was as set or not, Mr. Phumtham said that he had not bid yet. So how do you know? But I'm sure you'll get a better price than before. Don't let yourself say how much. because he was not the bidder You have to let the people who come to bid on it talk. But he confirmed that The rice is of good enough quality to be auctioned. And you will definitely get a much better price than before. Source: Thai News Agency