“Bhoomtham” specifies digital money Better late than never.

Government House, "Bhoomtham" reveals a meeting of the Digital Wallet Committee this evening, ready to listen to all opinions. Point out that it's better late than never. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Addressing the policy committee meeting of the 10,000 baht top-up project via digital wallet. This evening (February 15) that various comments will be taken. Sent to the general meeting for mutual acknowledgment. in order to see the wider picture Bringing it to look will make you more careful. and allow directors to express their opinions fully and will listen to every opinion Mr. Phumtham confirmed that the digital wallet policy is a policy that the government has announced to Parliament. and is the desire of most people As for the argument about whether the country is in crisis or not? I think that if I argue with theory It can be argued like different opinions. But I recommend it to everyone who is uncomfortable. Go live with the truth, go meet SMEs, go to the mark et, go talk to business people. Go and meet with fellow citizens to see how they feel. There are people who want the government to take care of them. to make the economy grow Make people have more purchasing power 'Under an atmosphere where a democratic government has arisen like this It should build confidence. And what can you do more? But there are problems affecting us. We really want us to do something that stimulates the economy, so digital wallets. Therefore, it is the policy that the government has announced to the House of Representatives. and think that it is an important issue that will lead to stimulating the economy to fully increase purchasing power,' Mr. Phumtham said. Mr. Phumtham stated that he would like to see the reality. And let's see how to stimulate it. Let's help each other think better. I will say that according to the theory that I have learned or believed. It's not like that. If you keep doing the same thing, you'll get the same thing. If you want to change, change. We have to fin d new ways. to make something new happen As for today's meeting (Feb. 15), you will be able to make an appearance. Loan Act Can it be done or not? Mr. Phumtham stated that he would have to ask the meeting what to say. If you speak first, you show that you can handle everything. And everyone just comes as a stamp Or the Prime Minister cannot say anything first. We have to take everything seriously and sincerely, so don't ask what's coming out on which day. We really don't know. As for whether this project will be too late or not, Mr. Phumtham stated that it is better to come late than never. What is necessary if there is time? And the debate is not over yet. If you do it, there will be problems. We try to do our best. Getting started is half the solution. 'Don't be afraid of whether it will be slow or not. Because it's already late. Because there are many obstacles Now we're breaking through the slowdown. Overcoming many misunderstandings and try to understand those who oppose it as better as possible At so me point we will have to make a decision,' Mr. Phumtham said. As for the progress of the referendum on amending the constitution, Mr. Phumtham stated that it is still on the same timeline, which is in the first quarter. There will be discussions in the coalition government. and will send it to the Prime Minister for acknowledgment To propose to the Cabinet for further consideration. Source: Thai News Agency