“Big Joke” attends the reunion Wichianchom School

Songkhla, "Big Joke" returned to his hometown to preside over the Wichianchom School homecoming event. As for both summonses, Proceed according to the law, emphasizing confidence in the fair process. Last night at Wichianchom School Songkhla Municipality There was the first Phet Return Local event, the activity "Unite as One" Southern people do not abandon each other and give support,' with Police General Surachet Hakphan, Deputy Police Commander and President of the Southern People's Association. under royal patronage An alumnus from elementary school came to preside over the opening ceremony. and meet friends, brothers and sisters, Songkhla alumni of Wichianchom School and members of the Southern People's Association Within the event, food was provided. Musical performance on the platform. After "Big Joke" completed the opening ceremony, there were youngsters lining up and handing roses to "Big Joke" to encourage him. Police General Surachet Said openly, Southern people don't abandon each other. He has never built a house anywhere. Because I once said to my wife that if I were to build a house There will be no houses built anywhere else. Must return to live in Songkhla and develop the hometown. When I have free time, I will return to Songkhla. Just like it came today When I had free time, I came back to visit friends from my school days and visit my old school. who had studied in primary school 'Big Joke' also said Southern people don't abandon each other. If anyone has suffered You can contact them at any time. or contact the Southern People's Association or children who go to study in Bangkok And there's no place to live. Next, go to the Southern People's Association in Bangkok. It will be made into a residence for the children and grandchildren of the southern people. went while studying or studying As for the atmosphere at the event, there were many brothers and sisters, both alumni and current students, as well as southern brothers and sisters who came to support "Big Joke". which everyone believes P olice General Surachet He is a good person who has always worked for the country. 'Big Joke' refuses to answer the case of 'Attorney Tum' revealing For the issue of summons Police General Surachet Please don't answer, go ask your lawyer. Reporters also asked: Did you have anything to say to Mr. Sitra Biabangkerd or Attorney Tum? "Big Joke" replied that he had no idea about this matter at all. And it's his own story. As for the two summonses Police General Suchet said Let it be said according to the law. He is confident in the justice process. Let the justice process work. As for the Koh Lipe mission There will be a meeting of the working group on April 5th. Monday, April 1st, there will be a meeting to solve the problems of the people first. Source: Thai News Agency