‘Big Tor’ challenges the lawyer team of ‘Big Joke’ to reveal his initials. Involved in gambling websites

Bangkok, "Big Tor" challenges the lawyer team "Big Joke" to reveal his initials. Involved in gambling websites Assigning the Metropolitan Police to be the chief investigator Ready to refuse, no need to second The Police Commander is the chief investigator. given to the Metropolitan Government to carry out Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon, Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Came out to explain the case by the lawyer's team. Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakphan, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Press conference that there are money lines linked to high-ranking police officers. and relatives in the Royal Thai Police that such information can be verified. Because the financial trail is scientific evidence that can be verified. But in the case of a team of lawyers Pol. Gen. Surachet and Pol. Maj. Gen. Namkiat Teerarojanaphong, Commanders of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters Training Center. Citing the names and abbreviations of various people, I would like them to be revealed. which will be invited by the inves tigating officer to provide information In order to check the claims about the initials of various people to see if they are true or not. As for the lawyer team Pol. Gen. Surachet and Pol. Maj. Gen. Namkiat claim that there are other people involved in the gambling website's financial route. But the investigating officer did not file a complaint. but aimed at Pol. Gen. Surachet and those Pol. Gen. Torsak Specifies that in this case it must be verified that Is that really being done? Including claims that A gambling website knows two female police officers who have relationships with senior police officers. If there is real information, please come out and confirm it. Including claims that Payments were made to General T. and his relatives, which must also be investigated. He emphasized that if there is information, please come out and reveal it. Because if there is a true offense, action will be taken without exception because speaking like this is considered It is an impairment of the Royal Thai Police Offi ce. As for Pol. Maj. Gen. Namkiat It is claimed that the cause of the conflict stems from the Kamnan Nok case. and Pae Loves Commander 140 million baht, Pol. Gen. Torsak confirmed that they are not related. which he himself is confident in as a commander Can't bully anyone. Because it's like a potty that receives waste. It must get messy sometimes and must receive impact from all parties. When asked if he was shaken or not? Pol. Gen. Torsak replied that he himself had never suffered. And it will pass. Which now has 195 days left before retiring. And now I myself am sowing rice and corn, hoping to eat rice. and corn every day He himself did not sow mimosa trees. Police General Torsak also revealed that An order was given to assign the police to the Metropolitan Police Bureau. As an old investigator Be the chief investigator in the BNK Master gambling website case in the Tao Poon Police Station area, without having to be a Police General or Police Lieutenant General. If the investigation finds that There are government officials involved as well. In committing an offense, there will be consideration of sending the report to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). But in such matters The Department of Special Investigation or DSI has sent a letter requesting information to the Royal Thai Police, which has sent the information back. Source: Thai News Agency