“Big Tor” emphasizes that police are committed to safety at the expense of their lives.

Bangkok, Police commander reiterates that police will protect with life, adhere to the law, and slash people who block the royal procession. Order to expand the results to punish participants in the process. Asking the people to understand the nation's institutions Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon, Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Revealing the case of the arrest and prosecution of "Tawan" and those who honked their horns obstructing the royal procession, they said that the investigation methods and assumptions made by the officials believe that there may be additional people involved. However, this must be done carefully until there is clear evidence. At this time, it is still not possible to clearly identify who is behind it. But ordered them to carry out an investigation and collect evidence. Look at the connections in every dimension. There is no need to rush to the point of causing damage to the justice movement. Confirming this matter, there will definitely not be a single drop of honey incident. Because the police will only use evidence to prosecute offenders. Including explaining to the public the various steps. in order not to cause misunderstandings Including preventing legal errors and being attacked by society. Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Emphasize that providing safety is the highest duty of the police and must be done with one's life. As for the legal matter, it is important to understand as much as possible with the people about the royal procession, which is an important matter for the country. Because it is the center of the minds of the people. Different opinions can be made. But it must not be divided, each side must understand each other. Personally, I believe that no one is disloyal. What is important is how to understand the institutions and history of the Thai nation. I want everyone to understand and not become a tool of anyone, especially politics. Source: Thai News Agency