Brutal gun-toting son-in-law shoots wife’s family, injuring the whole family

A cruel son-in-law was caught by his wife secretly flirting with a new woman, so he asked for a divorce. But we don't know what to talk about. He walked back and picked up a gun and shot his wife's family, four people in the family were injured. As for himself, his mother-in-law was seriously injured. Mr. Preecha, father of Mr. Piyanat, age 37, the gunman, took him to see the scene of the crime. Inside a house in Ban Pa No, Village No. 5, Nong Ruea Subdistrict, Na Chueak District, Maha Sarakham Province, which is a half-cement, half-timber house. On the ground floor, a pool of blood was found. and the hand-crafted Thai-style air rifle used in the crime The gun handle and barrel were separated from each other. They said that their son and daughter-in-law There have been feuds for a long time. Most of them are not having enough money to make ends meet. They have children together but have been separated for 2-3 months. They made appointments to get a divorce 2 times but were unsuccessful. Your birthday is not in the event. After the incident happened, he came out to have a look. Saw his son lying in a pool of blood and in serious condition. Because he was stabbed by his wife with a knife. After shooting his wife's family, 4 people were injured, consisting of Mrs. Yupawadee, 39 years old, wife, Mr. Prasit, 73 years old, father-in-law, Mrs. Bua Loi, 72 years old, mother-in-law, and Mrs. Nita, 40 years old, aunt, all living in the same house. All were taken to Maha Sarakham Hospital. Mr. Pradit Kaewwanna, village headman of Nong Ruea Subdistrict, revealed that the cause was that Mr. Piyanat liked a girl in a neighboring village. When the wife found out, she was dissatisfied and asked to break up, but the man refused. Before the incident, Mr. Piyanat had been drinking. Then he climbed up the window and went to see his wife. But we don't know what we're talking about. Before walking back to the house, he picked up a gun and shot his wife and family members, injuring four people, while he himself was also attacked and seriously injured. while Pol. Col. Narit Nammawong is acting instead. Superintendent of Na Chueak Police Station Revealed that from the investigation, it was learned that on the evening of January 8, his wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law made an appointment for Mr. Piyanat to come and talk about the matter of Mr. Piyanat having another woman. His wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law asked for a divorce, but Mr. Piya Nat refused to divorce and was angry, so he went to get a Thai-style air rifle and shot the aunt in the back of the neck first. Then he shot his mother-in-law in the right arm. As for Father-in-law, he closed the door of the house. Mr. Piyanat then used the handle of a gun to smash the door of the house and then shot his wife, hitting him in the left arm and his father-in-law, while his mother-in-law used a knife to cut Mr. Piyanat. And a fight ensued. This caused Mr. Piyanat to have 11-12 wounds, which were in serious condition. The matter of the case cannot yet be charged with anyone. Because st ill unable to interrogate anyone Because the doctor still hasn't allowed him to enter. .-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency