Budget 67 completed quickly. People’s problems cannot wait.

Parliament, The House of Representatives began discussing the budget for 67 agenda items in 2-3. "Bhoomtham" said the budget was completed faster than scheduled. Pointing out the problem that people cannot wait while "Sirikanya" asks for a total budget cut of 30 billion, complains that the agency has delayed disbursement. The government is inefficient. After 6 months, the investment budget was only 55% disbursed. Revenue estimates were missed - not meeting the target. Reporters reported that Today's meeting of the House of Representatives (March 20), with Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives, chairing the meeting, considered the budget expenditures. Fiscal year 2024, agendas 2 and 3 that the committee has considered are finished. By Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce As chairman of the special committee to consider the draft Budget Act 2024 report on the consideration of the Special Committee that the Committee Consideration began on Janu ary 8th and was completed on March 13th. which is considered faster than the scheduled 2 weeks, with the Special Committee realizing that People's problems cannot wait any longer. Budgets are needed to drive the most urgent solutions. 'Special committee Adhere to the principle of being a united body, one team, not dividing the government and the opposition. To seek cooperation in considering the budget efficiently and carefully, adhering to the principle of respect for expressing different opinions. Use the method of joint discussion to find appropriate solutions based on the benefits of the people. and the correctness of legal provisions is important. Focus on the results that people will receive from spending the budget. that is consistent with government policy national strategy In order to carry out the driving mission efficiently. Taking into account the necessity demand in the area Pay attention to setting a budget that is realistic. To avoid setting a budget to compensate the treasury in the future. a nd find ways to manage the rising debt burden,' Mr. Phumtham said. Mr. Phumtham said that the committee The budget has been reduced. 9,204,109,400 baht, considering to be in line with government policy. and national strategic plan as well as goals and actual performance, value, readiness, and spending potential. Thank you to the extraordinary committee. Everyone who gives importance, sacrifices their time, cooperates in considering the draft. Budget Act fully until it was successfully completed Along with thanks to all heads of budget receiving units for providing good explanations as well. Then be ready to answer questions from honorable members in each section. While Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, MP from the Progressive Party list As a committee member who reserved an opinion on Section 4 of the consolidated budget, I would like to discuss reducing the total budget for 2024 in the amount of 30 billion baht to 3.45 trillion baht from 3.48 trillion baht. Budget 67 has already been approved for the amount of 1.8 t rillion baht. baht by the Director of the Budget Office The rest at the council Actually considering only 1.68 trillion baht, which is less than half of the total budget. 'If there is a delay, it is not because of the council. which the budget disbursement was delayed This is because the government lacks efficiency in disbursing the budget. In particular, the capital expenditure budget has already passed 6 months, but only 55% has been disbursed. In addition, the current expenditure budget has only been disbursed 79% even though it was already in the approved section. If the government is inefficient in disbursing the budget at this size, in almost 6 months disbursing only 55% of investment expenditures, it is not appropriate to use the entire 3.48 trillion baht budget,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya said that the government's revenue estimation was wrong. Because after the estimation The government has issued policies that affect many government revenues. For example, there will be no tax on stock sale s. Refrain from sending revenue to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), reduce excise tax by 60 billion baht, and also reduce revenue collection. This is because the economy grew more slowly than when the budget was made. Ms. Sirikanya said that when making the budget for 2024, it was expected that it would grow at 5% per year, but the latest NESDB estimates that GDP for 2024 should fall only 4%, excluding inflation. It's equal to 1% lost. I have calculated that the lost income is approximately 10 billion baht. Therefore, there is a risk that the income estimate may be higher than reality. We can only borrow the full ceiling of 790,656 million baht. But today's problem There is a loan to compensate for the deficit of 693,000 million baht if there is an event where the target revenue cannot be collected. It means we can borrow an additional 97,656 million baht, not even a hundred billion baht. 'Who can request a budget first? It shouldn't have to be an event that any agency can do. Projec t first, get budget first Which agency makes the budget later? Got the budget later like this happened. I think we need to rearrange our priorities. Help prevent the country's fiscal status from faltering and causing problems,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya said that the Prime Minister's committee has proposed cutting unnecessary budgets, such as public relations budgets, training visits, and expenses for traveling abroad. Vehicle rental costs and reduce the recruitment of new personnel, but he is confused because the budget unit submitted the request on February 2, 2024, but the Prime Minister just learned that the budget must be cut in this area. Then came to order on March 3, 2024. Source: Thai News Agency