Cabinet approves 2 measures to stimulate low season tourism

House, "Phaophum" Deputy Finance Minister reveals that the Cabinet has approved 2 measures to stimulate tourism during the low season. Indicates a loss of income of 1,700 million baht but has a positive economic result. Aiming to propose measures to help tourism and the industrial sector again in 1-2 weeks. Mr. Paophum Rojanasakul, Deputy Minister of Finance, revealed that the Cabinet meeting approved 2 measures to stimulate tourism. 1 is a tax measure to stimulate seminars in the country. (For juristic persons) Organizing seminars deducts expenses 2 times, while in secondary cities it is 1.5 times to create incentives for juristic persons to go away from the seminar or spend money on organizing the seminar. Both in the main city and secondary cities to stimulate tourism. Measure 2 is that if an individual travels to visit a secondary city, he or she can deduct 15,000 baht in expenses for guide fees and hotel business. Therefore, it will encourage people to travel in secondary cities, especially during the low season. which is a weak point of tourism in Thailand Because tourism in Thailand will be high in the 1st and 4th quarters, while the 2nd and 3rd quarters will be weak. Therefore, it is one measure to stimulate the finances that closes the weak points and stimulates tourism to occur during the low season and in secondary cities. This measure will be used in the short term, from 1 May to 30 November. Mr. Paophum also stated that tourism during the low season There will be very little spending during this period. Whatever is friendly, the money to stimulate tourism will revive the business. By stimulating the economy in this way, there will be an evaluation of the money that goes into it. There will be about two of you. and the loss of income is relatively small. For this measure, the loss of income is approximately 1,700 million baht, with the loss of income being quite small but Very motivating It has a relatively high positive effect on the economic system. and stated that other measures were also prepa red to stimulate the economy. Both about travel and other industries by preparing to present to the Cabinet 1-2 weeks this week. As for why the We Travel Together project was not implemented, Mr. Paophum said that each measure has different characteristics. But the thing is that the government gives importance to low season tourism and secondary cities and sees the importance of people traveling within the country in provinces where tourists are decreasing. By compensating each other to find a balance between each other. Mr. Paophum also mentioned that the Cabinet resolved to approve additional budget expenditures for fiscal year 2024 as proposed by the Budget Bureau in the amount of 122,000 million baht for the central budget, expenditure items for stimulating the economy and strengthening the economic system. that after this, the process must go to the House of Representatives, it is expected that the draft law Will enter parliament in July or August. Source: Thai News Agency