Candidates, please know how to vote for the correct senator.

Election Commission, 8 June Candidates, know how to vote for the correct senator. If you lose the card and get points Office of the Election Commission Issued a document regarding the diagnosis of the form of ballots for selecting senators according to the Election Commission regulations regarding the selection of senators (No. 2) B.E. 2024, stating that ballots have the following characteristics: The entire card will be considered invalid. and shall not be counted as points: 1. Counterfeit cards 2. Cards that have been marked to be noticed or written with any message into the ballot In addition to the applicant number unless it is a lawful action of the operator regarding the selection. 3. Cards that have not been marked for voting. 4. Cards where it is not possible to know which candidate was voted for. 5. Cards that vote for those who do not have The right to be chosen: 6. Cards with more than the specified number of candidate identification numbers written on them; 7. Cards with more than one vote cast for any person; and 8. Cards that are not cards given by the chosen committee members. Ballot that has the characteristics in which one of the following boxes is written in the candidate number: Do not count as points for that number box. 1. Card that does not have the applicant's identification number written in Arabic numerals. 2. A card with the applicant's identification number written on it. 'Write more than one applicant identification number in the same field. 3. Cards that do not have the applicant's identification number written in the applicant's identification number box. and have the votes counted in the brothel, writing the ID number of the candidate that can count the votes.-314-Thai News Bureau Source: Thai News Agency