“Chaturon” believes he chose senators according to the timeline.

Parliament, "Chaturon" believes that the selection of senators is still according to the timeline. Not surprising. The issue of the scandal of the senators points out that some professional groups have behavior that is suspicious of being organized in the past. Mr. Jaturon Chaisaeng, Pheu Thai Party list MP, spoke about whether the selection of senators this time will follow the timeline or not. Including the story of the group recruiting senators that it was not unexpected or surprising. The system for selecting senators comes from representatives of professional groups. It has unclear definitions and the selection system is very confusing. Until it is difficult to get people who truly represent that profession, which will make the representation of the Thai people very limited. But the problems that arise are aggravated by the Election Commission's (EC)'s lack of understanding of the principles of democracy and freedom, causing it to issue regulations that do not comply with the law and limit people's rig hts and freedoms. The lack of legal support is equivalent to violating the constitution. which various confusions There were many and some things were not fixed. Mr. Chaturon said that limiting the freedom to introduce oneself and communicate with the public causing great confusion Many people who were interested in applying were discouraged and did not apply. resulting in very few applicants But there are many occupational groups that have behavior that is suspected of being organized. Or have they been hired or not? For example, we still don't know any of the rules. and having people sit and tell them how to fill out documents, etc. This caused a lot of damage in the selection of senators this time. 'Right now, what the Election Commission should do is go and see to what extent there is an arrangement or a conspiracy to give benefits in return. You must be careful not to let this happen and you must be careful not to use techniques or tricks to postpone the selection of the senators, because if that is th e case, you will not get a new set of senators and will affect the operation. many other things both in enacting laws And the most important thing is to amend the constitution. We must accept that having a new senator, although it is still not very democratic, will result in a senator who is even more popular in democracy. This will be beneficial to amending the constitution,' Mr. Chaturon said. Mr. Chaturon thinks that at this time the selection of senators will follow the timeline that has been set and if the Election Commission still adheres to the principles accurately. There is no one who comes to bully or cause problems and the Election Commission will let them go. That is, the principle must be held that Whatever is specified must be done accordingly. Source: Thai News Agency