Chiang Mai is bustling during Chinese New Year – the commander of the Immigration Bureau confirms that he is ready to provide thorough care.

Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai Airport is bustling. Many tourists flock to visit during Chinese New Year. By the Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau Confirm readiness to provide thorough and quick care. Ready to release a line of concierge staff during this Chinese New Year festival. As for the case where a foreigner opens the airplane door I would like to wait for the case to be completed before considering whether to be blacklisted or not. The atmosphere at Chiang Mai Airport today is full of both Thai and foreign tourists. who travel to Chiang Mai during this Chinese New Year festival By the Director of Chiang Mai Airport Along with officials joining in handing out auspicious oranges and elephant-shaped bags, which are symbols of Thailand, to incoming tourists. The atmosphere is lively. While Pol. Lt. Gen. Itthiphon Itthisanronnachai Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau Has come to inspect the readiness to provide convenience to passengers during the 2024 Chinese New Year Festival, along with releasing a li ne to sweep up crimes, maintain security and provide convenience. for tourists during Chinese New Year Between 8-14 February, with Pol. Col. Ancharee Chalamrak, Superintendent of Immigration at Chiang Mai Airport. Bring the immigration officers under your jurisdiction. along with the joint operations unit within Chiang Mai Airport attended the ceremony By the Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau Confirm the readiness of the Chiang Mai Immigration Checkpoint. that has prepared measures to support the volume of tourists traveling into Thailand at Chiang Mai Airport During the Chinese New Year festival It is expected that there will be tourists traveling in and out. More than 10,000 people pass through Chiang Mai Airport/day, from currently there are 180 flights/day. Divided into 50 international flights from 9 countries on 21 flight routes, there are more than 8,000 international passengers traveling in and out per day. The Immigration Bureau has deployed personnel to perform full duty at every checkpoint. It can accommodate 400 passengers, has 20 checkpoints for arrivals, can evacuate all passengers within 30 minutes, and has personnel ready to work 24 hours a day in case of an emergency or system failure. There are officials ready to resolve the situation in a timely manner. Especially during the Chinese New Year festival and the opening of free visas for Chinese tourists on March 1st, it is expected that there will be a large number of tourists arriving. In order to drive Thailand's tourism economy successfully according to the Prime Minister's policy. As for the case of a 40-year-old Canadian foreign man of Chinese descent who was charged with two charges by police at Phupingkharanivet Police Station, Chiang Mai Province, after becoming alarmed. Open the emergency door of the plane, flight TG121, Chiang Mai-Bangkok route. about to take off Make the emergency door slide open. As a result, the flight had to be canceled and another 13 flights had to be delayed. This is the matter of the Immigration Bureau. There is already a process in place to consider whether or not to blacklist such men. But please let the police officers' legal matters be completed first Source: Thai News Agency