“Chonnan” Pluembat MPs, neutral colors

Parliament, June 22 – "Mr Chon Nan" shows the MP's identity card, tells the secretary of the House to choose the color of neutrality.

Reporters reported that after MPs reported themselves With the Secretariat of the House of Representatives, many MPs have brought ID cards to show the media to take pictures as a souvenir. With everyone having a smiling face, Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, leader of the Pheu Thai Party Once again greeted the media and showed his ID card for being an MP.

by Dr. Chon Nan stated that the color on the Secretariat of the House of Representatives card said that it was purple and red. which is the regular color of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives And try to reduce the color tones to not be the same shade as the political party's colors. which is a perfect combination ready to say that it is the color of neutrality .- Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency