“Chuan” suggested asking “Wan Nor” how to vote for the Prime Minister next?

Parliament, July 20 – "Chuan" suggested asking "Wan Nor" how to proceed with voting for the Prime Minister, as for the parliamentary resolution, rejected the nomination of "Pita" for the second round if the Constitutional Court had already been submitted. The results of the diagnosis are binding on all organizations.

Chuan Leekpai, MP for the Democrat Party As a former Speaker of the National Assembly, he stated that he asked to ask the Speaker of the National Assembly. In the case of the parliament's resolution not to nominate Pita Limcharoenrat into the process of voting for the Prime Minister With reference to Article 41 of the Articles of Association, it was seen that the next process would be in accordance with the appointment of the Speaker of the National Assembly. to vote for Prime Minister on July 27

It also mentions the case of criticism that The parliament passed a resolution referring to the rules of procedure. Has more power than the constitution? who acknowledged that Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha suggested that he go to the Ombudsman. to consider submitting the case to the Constitutional Court And let's not assume how the court will decide. Even if the court decides how It has already been a resolution of the parliament.

When asked if the outcome of the court's decision came out how Is the parliament ready to accept the process? But how will the Constitutional Court make a decision? The decision of the Constitutional Court will be binding on all organizations.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency