“Chulaphan” confirms the proportion of small shops is more than convenience stores.

Parliament, "Chulaphan" Deputy Minister of Finance throws it to the Ministry of Commerce to adjust and reduce the Negative List of imported goods, believes it is flexible and will not cause a disruption to digital wallets, confirms the proportion of small shops is more than convenience stores. Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance, stood up to explain the details of the digital wallet project for prohibited goods and the size of stores eligible to participate in the project, saying that Issue 1, the Negative List (list of goods manufactured or assembled in the country) that has been adjusted to add prohibited items such as electrical appliances, electronic devices, and communication devices is a mechanism that the government has invested in to stimulate the economy, create employment, and primarily domestic production. Almost all of the products that have been cut are imported goods such as oil, mobile phones, etc. Issue 2: The Ministry of Commerce has been assigned to consider amending the Negative List of products, but it must be approved by the Policy Subcommittee because it must be flexible. Some products have received recommendations, such as weapons and equipment. Should they be purchased? In principle, it is not possible. The Ministry of Commerce must be assigned to consider further and present it to the committee again. This is the mechanism that allows the policy to move forward without interruption and is flexible enough. For large and small shops, the government is trying to determine the area at the district level, specifying the size of the shops to be smaller, to distribute the money to the shops and the people as much as possible, and confirming what was done in the past, the government project had 1,200,000 shops participating, but in this project, no less than 2,000,000-3,000,000 shops can be brought into the system. As for the shops that the MP is concerned about, such as wholesalers, retailers, and convenience stores, only 50,000 stores are participating in the project. He c onfirmed that most of the shops are small shops, shops owned by the public, shops owned by enterprises, and cooperatives. However, the mechanism of the Thai economic structure is at risk of flowing to convenience stores. The government is trying to stimulate economic circulation. Changing the current business structure with this policy is unlikely. However, we must support and help create a mechanism for small shops to continue to be strong. Even though some of the money may have to be used in the shops that we are concerned about, we must accept that these shops are not manufacturers. In the end, the money must be transferred to the product manufacturers anyway. For the economic multiplier, this mechanism should not be looked at only in the two rounds specified in the project. The government wants to stimulate production and employment, so it has specified two rounds for using money via digital wallets. The first round is between the people and the merchants, the second round is between the merchants and th e merchants. If the two rounds of money, 500,000 million baht, are still in the form of digital wallets or become normal cash, in the end, this money will be a mechanism to move the economy. 'Today, Thailand is in a situation where there is not enough water in a pond. There are too many fish, and they die. We cannot survive. We need to fill the pond with enough water so that everyone can live in the economic system together and have money to move the economic system forward,' said Mr. Chulaphan. Mr. Chulaphan believes that this mechanism will stimulate the economy to an appropriate level. For other benefits in terms of data, all databases linked to the central government application will be of the greatest benefit in government management in policy making, changing to data for analyzing and allocating available budgets, helping to solve problems for the people directly, being able to select target groups and follow up on results appropriately. Source: Thai News Agency