“Chuwit” posted a clip to expose China Tao in another place. spreading influence into Thailand

Bangkok, June 4- Mr. Chuvit Kamolwisit, a former politician who exposes pubs. Tribute all along Has posted a message and released a clip in a service place via Facebook. Chinese Tao extends influence to Thailand

Mr. Chuwit has posted a message and released a clip in a service place via Facebook stating that …

Diamond Chinatao expands its influence into Thailand

The clip shows who is who.

"Bang M" was inspecting the room before opening for service for about a month, with "Ajai", the new generation of Jean Tao who had climbed the ranks instead of "Du Hao".

The old Chinese tao is gone, the new tao Chinese is replacing it. If Thailand opens the house with open arms Do not use lessons to prevent

Assorted Chinese will parade in with much more greed.

The captured KTV named Diamond has the same decoration as "Jinling" to open only to China that is popular with all sorts of drugs.

Except "marijuana" because it's legal in Thailand.

People like "Ajai" or "Du Hao" cannot be born.

If there is no middleman to clear for "Mata Thai"

China Tao calls it a waste. “Gau Jia” is an expense that must be paid. otherwise can't open

In this event, the cleared people did not reach China Tao, so they had to "bruise" according to the regulations.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency