“Chuwit” sends a letter of apology to “Lawyer Sithra” and withdraws criminal charges – lawyer etiquette

'Chuwit' sends a letter of apology to 'Lawyer Sitra' and withdraws criminal charges and lawyer conduct. Confirmed inspection and found no fault. Revealing the accusations against a famous lawyer because a group of people with bad intentions sent them wrong information, while "Lawyer Sitra" is ready to forgive and withdraw the criminal complaint as well. In the case of Mr. Chuwit Kamonwisit, who filed a criminal case and the lawyer's conduct of Mr. Sithra Biabangkerd, most recently Mr. Chuwit, the accuser, was sick and had to fly to another country for treatment. By announcing the cancellation of all unfolding operations. To use the last moments to take care of your physical condition. By posting pictures of living a simple life with your beloved dog. During treatment But now it seems that the conflict between different bones and numbers has ended. After Mr. Chuwit made a direct phone call to Attorney Sitra Biabangkerd to improve his understanding. In cases where accusations lead to criminal prosecution and requesting an examination of lawyer etiquette In addition, a letter was sent directly to Attorney Sitra. to explain what happened He said that the accusations arose because of a misunderstanding. Because someone with bad intentions sent wrong information, but today I checked the information and found that it was not true. Therefore, I would like to apologize to Attorney Sitra. along with withdrawing criminal charges and examining lawyer conduct Attorney Sithra said that in the past he had sued Mr. Chuwit. Charged with defamation by advertising Knot accused of running a gambling website as well, but after talking on the phone To understand each other and knew the reason for being accused by Mr. Chuwit Including receiving a letter of apology from Mr. Chuwit I felt satisfied and decided to withdraw the lawsuit. 'The lawsuit was withdrawn because Brother Chuwit admitted that he had actually made a mistake. Manly and had already called to apologize to himself In addition, now Chuwit is sick. So I thought it wou ld be better for everyone to end things together. I also apologize to Brother Chuwit for having offended him. Therefore, it is a matter of forgiving each other to each other". Source: Thai News Agency