Commerce confirms that “ready-to-drink milk” is not shortage

Deputy Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade confirms that "ready-to-drink milk" is not in shortage, specifying between July and September every year is the period of slowing down the milking of temples or "Dry cow". After dairy farmers have milked cows until the cows are about to give birth. To maintain the health of the cows and the ability to produce milk. which caused the amount of raw milk entering the processing plant during this period only decreased to some extent And there is no permission to raise the price of ready-to-drink milk products during this time.

Second Lieutenant Chakra Yodmanee, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade Reveal the case appeared in the news that now the amount of ready-to-drink milk products in the market has decreased. that the Department of Internal Trade had a meeting with dairy producers Retail, wholesale and local department stores across the country. To monitor the situation of ready-to-drink milk products, it was found that between July and September Every year, it is a slow down period for milking or "Dry cows" after dairy farmers have milked cows until the cows are about to give birth. To maintain the health of the cows and the ability to produce milk. This caused the amount of raw milk entering the processing plant during this period to decrease somewhat. While the consumption remained stable, however, the decrease in the amount of raw milk mainly affected only the pasteurized fresh milk. While UHT fresh milk which has a market share of more than 50 percent of total consumption of ready-to-drink dairy products almost not affected at all Most manufacturers are still able to produce and sell as usual, so there is no shortage of ready-to-drink milk products.

However, at a meeting with retailers, wholesalers and local department stores on July 25, 2023, the Department of Internal Trade asked for cooperation from department stores. in managing stock and replenishing products on shelves regularly, and the department will continue to monitor the situation closely Raw milk supply is expected to return to normal in October, as in previous years.

for the price The Department of Internal Trade still has no authorization to raise the selling price of ready-to-drink dairy products during this time. In addition, many department stores are constantly organizing discount promotions. which must be approved by the Cabinet. The department is ready to consider the selling price of ready-to-drink dairy products in proportion to the higher raw milk costs. being able to continue Sufficient quantity of goods and consumers are least affected.

Source: Thai News Agency