Conditions for gas shops, state welfare cards

Government House 8 June-start today!! Criteria for joining as a gas shop who receive payment from the state welfare card Repeat only new stores Must never have been revoked warning rights, read the conditions carefully.

Ms. Trisulee Trisoranakul, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, said yesterday (June 7) the Government Gazette published Announcement of the Department of Energy Business On the criteria, methods and conditions for participating in being a gas shop to receive payments from the use of state welfare cards, 2023, effective from the day after the date of publication in the Government Gazette, from today (June 8) onwards, which the Department of Energy Business has issued Announcement this time to ensure that the implementation of government policies is smooth. become more efficient in performing official duties By laying out the conditions that must be observed to be clear And in line with the new round of public welfare allocation according to the resolution of the Cabinet (Cabinet) on February 28, 2023 as well

Deputy spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office said that the essence of the announcement Has determined the qualifications of gas stores to apply for the payment program from the use of the state welfare card. This eligibility criteria only applies to new merchants. It will not apply to gas stores that are already participating in the project. Including stores that have applied for the program before the effective date of the announcement. and still under consideration The qualifications of gas shops to apply for the project, for example, must be a shop that sells cooking gas. and having a notification receipt for a controlled business type 2, type one (TorPorPor.2) or having a license for a type 3 controlled business, type two (TorPor.Kor.2) under the Fuel Oil Control Act Phor. 1999, There is a certain location and store location. Has never been revoked with a list that has been detected by the Krungthai Bank system Never uninstall the EDC machine or cancel the money bag application to receive payments from the welfare of the state. (discount on buying cooking gas)

Ms. Traisulee said that the Department of Energy Business has set conditions for all gas stores participating in the project, both existing ones who have already participated in the project. or under consideration before being announced And new people who will apply to join in the future must strictly follow 8 items: 1. Install an EDC machine or money bag application. state 3. Do not confiscate or keep the national ID card of the person entitled to the welfare of the state. Other products or other compensation Do not accept payment for cooking gas by other forms. which is an advance payment, such as collecting coupons, accumulating points, collecting rights to deliver later, etc. 7) Do not redeem state welfare rights. (Discount for buying cooking gas) where cooking gas belongs to other stores and 8) Do not seek any other benefits from the welfare of the state. (discount on the purchase of cooking gas) that is not the objective of the state welfare (Discount for buying cooking gas) “In case of violation or non-compliance with specified conditions The Department of Energy Business or the Provincial Energy Office applying for a gas shop will revoke the participating gas shop. And notify the Comptroller General's Department to consider returning the EDC or canceling the use of the money bag application As a result of the revocation of such rights The gas shop will not have the right to claim any expenses or damages at all and must be responsible for the expenses incurred during the right revocation.

Source: Thai News Agency