Confirmed that Thaksin’s suspension does not meet double standards.

Parliament, "Chusak" confirms that the suspension of "Thaksin" is in accordance with the justice process, not double standards, emphasizing that it is the right of MPs if they meet to ask for knowledge. Mr. Chusak Sirinil, list MP, Pheu Thai Party, as deputy party leader Discussing the criticism regarding the suspension of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister, confirming that the process that occurred According to the process which the Ministry of Justice It has been explained that according to regulations It doesn't make society distorted. Because there are still more than 900 people who have been suspended, this is not a double standard as has been accused. As for members of the Senate (Senators) who are concerned that this suspension of sentence will turn into a new political conflict, Mr. Chusak reiterated that Mr. Thaksin has been treated according to the judicial process that is in place. It doesn't deviate from the standard. and didn't go off track It doesn't make society view it as a serio us matter. Because it's according to the process. It doesn't make society feel that It's a serious matter. Mr. Chusak also mentioned his preparations to visit and ask for advice from Mr. Thaksin at home, saying that at this time, Mr. Thaksin is still ill. Therefore, you should rest with your family first. and asking for advice It's a matter of political party. which already has a party executive committee or the government. The Prime Minister has stated that he has asked for advice. Follow the pattern So it's not a concern. As for the news of a cabinet reshuffle after Mr. Thaksin was suspended, Mr. Chusak did not wish to criticize it. Because it is a government matter and the prime minister I have always emphasized that there is only one person who has full power. I still have confidence in the Prime Minister, so I ask that he listen and give confidence. and encourage the Prime Minister As for traveling to meet with support groups after receiving his suspension, Mr. Chusak saw that when Mr. Thaksin receive d a suspended sentence The Red Shirts were happy and happy, which is normal. Because of Mr. Thaksin Considered the precursor of the party Has been beneficial to the party for a long time But to walk that line It is a matter of Mr. Thaksin's decision. Mr. Chusak also mentioned the suitability if MPs will go to meet. To discuss with Mr. Thaksin that who the MP or the party will consult with is the right and freedom of the MP and the party because it is considered to be asking for knowledge. which the constitution and the law does not prohibit it, but in the past there have often been attacks that It is party domination. But in practice, it's not because it's asking for knowledge, such as about digital wallets. which is normal As for Mr. Thaksin, is he clearly separated from the government? Mr. Chusak emphasized that Mr. Thaksin has no position. not a minister head of government and the Prime Minister, but admits that Mr. Thaksin has experience, having been a leader of the country Therefore, there are people w ho accept their knowledge and abilities. Source: Thai News Agency